Nutrition In Arthritis

Nutrition In Arthritis
Nutrition In Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that should not be underestimated at all. That is why it is good, when they are diagnosed with such a diagnosis, to start following a certain diet. It is beneficial for people who suffer from arthritis to emphasize a certain range of foods and avoid others.

According to experts, in the case of arthritis, the vegan diet is especially effective. Among the useful fruits that you should emphasize to alleviate the general symptoms of the disease are strawberries, melons, pears, papaya, kiwi, apples, bananas, prunes, coconut.

If you are not a fan of fruits, eat more vegetables and especially broccoli, cabbage, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, beets, turnips, tomatoes. Include in your menu more nuts such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews.

Start taking seeds / pumpkin, flax, sesame, mustard / and sprouts / soybeans, beans /. Cereals are also beneficial, so you can eat beans, papuda, soy, corn, lentils, quinoa, buckwheat on the stomach.

According to some doctors, heavy consumption of milk and dairy products in arthritis could exacerbate the symptoms of the disease. That is why it is not bad to limit them or from time to time to replace fresh milk with nut milk and cheese with tofu.

It is best to exclude from your menu all fatty and heavy meats. If you eat food of animal origin, treat yourself to soft-boiled eggs and fish / cod, mackerel, salmon /. Season the food with ginger, curry, celery, turmeric, but do not overdo it so as not to irritate your stomach.

Codliver oil
Codliver oil

Also avoid salt and overly salty foods, soft drinks, pasta, pastries, alcohol and coffee. As a hot drink, take alfalfa tea, hops, ginseng, nettle. Also consider nutritional supplements.

Suitable for arthritis are those with fish oil, magnesium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D. In addition to the usual dietary supplements in the form of tablets and powders, as an aid you can you also take flaxseed oil.
