

Zinc micromineral is needed in the diet on a daily basis, but only in very small amounts (50 milligrams or less).

Functions of zinc

- Regulation of genetic activities. Zinc is important regulator of many genetic activities. The cells of the body have a special compartment called the nucleus, and approximately 100,000 genes are located inside the nucleus. These genes provide instructions for the cells and they must decide which instructions to read. Zinc is essential for reading genetic instructions and when insufficient amounts of zinc are taken, the instructions can be misinterpreted.

- Supporting the balance of blood sugar and metabolic rate. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, is needed to move sugar from the blood to the cells. The response of cells to insulin is called the insulin response. When food is not provided sufficient amount of zinc, the insulin response decreases and it becomes more difficult to stabilize blood sugar.

- Metabolic rate - the degree to which the body creates and uses energy - also depends on zinc to regulate it. When zinc is deficient in food, the metabolic rate decreases, along with the hormonal production of the thyroid gland.

- Maintain sensitivity to smell and taste. Density is a small protein that is directly involved in the sense of taste. Zinc is needed to be bound to this protein so that this sensation can function properly.

- Maintaining immune function - Many types of immune cells depend on zinc for optimal functioning.

Zinc deficiency

Due to the presence of a connection between zinc and the sense of taste and smell, the disturbed sensation is a common symptom of zinc deficiency. Depression, loss of appetite, stunted growth in children, and frequent colds and infections can also be symptoms of zinc deficiency in the diet.

Risk groups for zinc deficiency

Full vegans and vegetarians - meat and fish are among the most useful sources of zinc for the body. Plant foods, in turn, contain zinc, but in smaller quantities, which is very difficult to digest. They need to get it by taking supplements.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers - most of the nutrients that pregnant women ingest go directly to the fetus, which at some point can cause a deficiency. Therefore, they need to take larger doses.

Foods with zinc
Foods with zinc

Alcoholics - very often they do not eat properly, which is one of the causes of deficiency zinc. The other reason is the large amounts of alcohol - it washes away the small amounts of zinc, which is stored in the liver.

People over the age of 50 - the body's ability to get zinc from food decreases with age.

People who eat foods that are too high in fiber - fiber, especially those found in whole grains, has the ability to lock in zinc. In this way they do not allow it to be absorbed by the body.

Zinc overdose

The metallic, bitter taste in the mouth may be indicative of toxicity caused by excessive zinc intake. Toxicity is also associated with stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea.

The National Academy of Sciences of the United States sets the upper limit for intake of zinc at 40 milligrams per day for persons 19 years of age and older.

Contact with water of some foods that have a higher zinc content, which is in water-soluble form, leads to high losses of this mineral.

The supply of zinc to the body can be reduced by taking the following medicines: thiazide diuretics such as Diuril or Enduron; ACE inhibitors such as Capozide and Lotensin; antibiotics such as penicillinamine or tetracycline; ranitidine and oral contraceptives (birth control pills).

Properties of zinc

Zinc may play a role in the prevention and / or treatment of the following diseases: acne, alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, anorexia, atopic dermatitis, cervical dysplasia, Crohn's disease, diabetes, epilepsy, basal disease, herpes, AIDS, male infertility, inflammatory bowel disease, influenza, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

The male body has need zinc to produce important male hormones (including testosterone). To increase a man's fertility, it is recommended to take zinc for at least 6 weeks before starting attempts to conceive. Zinc is one of the key elements for prostate health and prevention of urinary tract problems.

Zinc is extremely important for healthy skin and hair. Without zinc, wound healing would be almost impossible and very long. On the other hand, people who take normal amounts of zinc daily have better memory than others.

Sources of zinc

Sources of zinc
Sources of zinc

Food additives containing zinc are presented in chelated form, where zinc is bound to another molecule. Chelated additives most often fall into two categories. The first category is organic acids, which include picolinic acid, orotic acid, citric acid and gluconic acid. The second category is amino acids, which includes methionine, monomethionine and others. acids.

Dietary supplements containing zinc are also available in inorganic form and are available in the form of zinc sulfate or zinc oxide.

Beef liver, mushrooms and spinach are very good sources of zinc. Good sources are: sea vegetables, basil, thyme, pumpkin seeds, beef, lamb, asparagus, venison, shrimp, maple syrup, broccoli, peas, yogurt, sesame seeds, mustard and more.

Here is a little more detailed information about the best sources of zinc:

Some studies link the consumption of zinc-rich foods by reducing the severity and duration of colds, improving thyroid function, more efficient blood clotting, and even a lower risk of macular degeneration.

A study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry found that zinc can play a very important role to regulate heart rate. The human body needs 8 mg of zinc for adult women and 11 mg for men. Here are some foods that can give your body the required amount of zinc.


Medium-sized oyster contains about 5, 3 mg of zinc. Also, oysters are rich in protein, low in calories, contain vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin B12, iron, selenium. No matter how you serve them, oysters are delicious and are allies of a healthy immune system. It is also rumored that there is an aphrodisiac food effect.

Crabs and lobsters

They are excellent sources of zinc. 100 g of crab meat contains about 6.5 mg of zinc, while 100 g of lobster meat contains about 3.4 mg of zinc. Some fish - salmon or sardines - also supply zinc to the body, but in smaller quantities. The seafood included in the diet is beneficial for the proper functioning of the heart. Eat more roasted lobsters and crab salads.

Certain types of meat

Beef, pork and chicken contain protein and zinc. To take advantage of the nutritional properties, choose only lean, fat-free meat. Eat roast beef, chicken soup and pork roulades. 100 g of chicken means about 6% of the daily intake of zinc you need. And since we were talking about chicken, well, eggs also contain zinc. A large egg contains about 0.6 mg of zinc. Do not give up omelets with vegetables, scrambled eggs, frittata.

Vegetables with zinc
Vegetables with zinc

Chickpeas, lentils, beans

Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils and beans contain zinc, but have other health benefits. 4 tablespoons chickpeas means 0.6 mg of zinc, the same amount is valid for lentils. Beans are a food that contains fiber, protein, but also zinc, and is low in fat. 4 tablespoons beans is the equivalent of 0, 5 mg of zinc. You can try all kinds of bean salads, chickpea salads, bean soup, lentil soup to add these legumes, especially since lately they are in great demand.


Green leafy vegetables - spinach, broccoli, cabbage and do not contain only vitamins and minerals, including zinc. If you include these foods in your daily diet, therefore, you will also benefit from the necessary intake of zinc. Try the risotto with mushrooms, baked vegetables, vegetable sach, grilled vegetables.

Walnuts and seeds

They are still an excellent source of zinc. Add to the quinoa salad or beet salad about 35 g of pumpkin seeds for 2, 2 g of zinc. You can try a handful of cashews, walnuts or hazelnuts to serve with low-fat yogurt. Haven't tried chia seeds yet? One tablespoon of chia seeds means 0, 5 mg of zinc.

Zinc is also found in dark chocolate
Zinc is also found in dark chocolate

Black chocolate

What a sweet surprise! The darker the chocolate… the better! Types of chocolate with 60 or 69% cocoa contain about 0.8 mg zinc / 35 g, while types with 70-85% cocoa have about 0.8 mg zinc / 35 g. Although dark chocolate can be registered as a favorite when word for sources of zinc, however, we must be careful how much we consume. But you already know that you can add it to your favorite chocolate creams, glued biscuits, chocolate cakes, homemade biscuit cakes and more.

Whole grains

It offers many health benefits. They contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and you guessed it, zinc. Whole grains provide high doses of zinc. Whole grain oats and brown rice are important sources of zinc, and a slice of whole grain bread contains 0.5 mg of magnesium. Try rice with pork or rice with beef - tasty and healthy.

Milk and milk products

In addition to being an important source of calcium, milk and dairy products also contain zinc. One glass of skimmed milk contains 1 mg of zinc, while one glass of skimmed yogurt contains 2.2 mg. Try yogurt with oatmeal and fresh fruit.
