Load Your Body With Zinc And Selenium

Load Your Body With Zinc And Selenium
Load Your Body With Zinc And Selenium

Regularly recharge your body with the valuable element selenium, which has antioxidant properties and has the ability to protect against many serious diseases.

Selenium is extremely important for the perfect functioning of the immune system, especially when it must be involved to fight a serious infection.

With a normal diet you should receive the daily norm of selenium, which for the average man is 70 mcg, and for women - 40-50 mcg. A tuna sandwich contains 138 mcg of selenium.

All types of fish are rich in selenium, as well as crabs, oysters, and whole grain breads. However, in excessive doses, selenium can damage the immune system.


Brazil nuts are an extremely good source of selenium, but you have to be careful with them. 4 of the delicious large nuts are enough for you every day.

Do not overdo it with dietary supplements that contain selenium, because the total daily dose should not exceed 200 mcg, experts advise.

Another important element that helps the immune system fight infections, and this is especially true during the cold seasons, is zinc. It is a very important part of the immune system.

Brazilian walnut
Brazilian walnut

It is believed that he is actually the most important element for her. Zinc deficiency can reduce the formation of white blood cells, which destroy microscopic particles invading the body.

Zinc promotes the formation of vitamin D in the body, which also boosts immunity. To get the required 15 mg per day, you can focus on lean red meat, oysters, milk, oatmeal, whole grain bread, eggs and chicken and duck.

Avoid taking supplements that will load your body with more than 40 mg per day. If the daily norm is exceeded, zinc can significantly reduce the activity of the immune system.
