How To Eat On The Beach?

How To Eat On The Beach?
How To Eat On The Beach?

In summer the temperatures are quite high and the humidity but the air helps to multiply the bacteria that cause food poisoning.

To avoid potential traps of infection, it is necessary to pay special attention to the heat treatment of raw meat and the way of its storage. Insufficiently cooked meat may contain harmful microorganisms. The same goes for eggs.

After preparing the food, it is desirable to keep it out of the refrigerator for up to half an hour.

The temperature in portable coolers should not be below 8 degrees Celsius.

1. While on the beach, the consumption of semi-finished and cooked salami should definitely be avoided, as well as pate or ready-made bakery products with meat products.

Tip: A tasty piece of grilled meat with fresh vegetables, bread and spices are a much better option for a healthy and safe meal on the beach. Markets abound in fresh fruits and vegetables, whose nutritional value is quite good. It is very healthy if you eat them fresh. A quick salad instead of meat, where you can also add cereals or fish, are a great suggestion.

2. Food on the beach should not be greasy and salty. Chips on the beach are not recommended, as are heavy sandwiches with fried meat and mayonnaise, as most of them contain eggs, which are the most common source of summer salmonella infection. Hamburgers and french fries are the most common offer in summer restaurants. Although packaged, they are not desirable.


Tip: Sweet potato and apple chips will satisfy your desire for a snack, as well as almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, with which our body will not starve and will provide enough energy. You can also prepare desserts at home - a quick carrot cake and chocolate are a healthy and excellent solution.

3. Carbonated drinks and beverages with preservatives abound in seafront restaurants. Consumption of carbonated beverages and juices, which contain huge amounts of sugar, interfere with hydration and should be completely avoided, as well as alcoholic beverages. It is better to prepare them yourself.

Tip: Beach water supplies are a priority, but instead of buying juices, you can make your own freshly squeezed grapefruit juice at home. Grapefruit contains a lot of water, is low in sodium and the body supplies its needs for fluids and minerals.
