Milk Shakes Are Reminiscent Of A Tropical Beach

Milk Shakes Are Reminiscent Of A Tropical Beach
Milk Shakes Are Reminiscent Of A Tropical Beach

Milk shakes are a great way to imagine that instead of in a heated apartment we sunbathe on a tropical beach.

Milk contains many useful substances and is especially valuable for women due to the presence of calcium. It protects the bones of the ladies.

To make a Tropical Winter shake, put a glass of milk, a scoop of ice cream, 2 tablespoons of coconut liqueur and 50 g of coconut milk (sold canned) in a blender. Stir, pour into a glass and garnish with grated lime peel.

Pineapple, kiwi and orange should never be added to milkshakes. These fruits contain acid, which destroys lactic enzymes. This can cause a real "explosion" in the stomach.

A wonderful milk cocktail is obtained if you add vanilla syrup to lukewarm milk.

It is made by boiling sugar and water in a ratio of one to one, add vanilla, cinnamon and grated lemon peel. Before adding to the milk, cool.

Cocoa is added only in warm milk. In the cold, the straw swells and clogs. The same happens if you add melted chocolate. It falls to pieces and clogs the straw.

Therefore, if you want milk with chocolate, it is good to decorate it on top with milk chocolate shavings.
