Cheers For The Summer! See What Are The Beach Cocktails

Cheers For The Summer! See What Are The Beach Cocktails
Cheers For The Summer! See What Are The Beach Cocktails

There is no better company for summer evenings than cocktails, whether you prepare them at home or order them at a beach bar. There are several cocktails that make summer full and are best suited for the season.



The traditional Cuban cocktail is made from rum, sparkling water, green lemon, sugar and mint. The combination is very refreshing and is therefore often drunk on hot summer days.

Sex on the beach

This is one of the most popular cocktails. It is prepared from vodka, orange juice, blueberry juice and peach schnapps. However, the variations of the cocktail are numerous and often vodka can be replaced with coconut rum, which is a much lighter alcohol.


To make this summer cocktail, you will need tequila, lemon juice and orange liqueur. Lemon juice can be replaced with raspberry juice, strawberry juice or mango juice, but at the end of the cocktail glass must be decorated with a piece of lime to create a summer mood.



The cocktail was created in Cuba a little over 100 years ago. His original recipe contains white rum, lemon juice and sugar, and the bottom of the cocktail glass is sprinkled with crushed ice.


The most popular drink, which is a combination of gin and vermouth - white or red. In some recipes, gin is replaced by vodka and mixed with ice cubes before being poured into the glass.

Tequila Sunrise

The cocktail is a mixture of tequila, blackcurrant liqueur, lemon juice and carbonated water. However, a combination of tequila, orange juice and grenadine can often be seen. Due to its sunny appearance, the cocktail is often ordered during the summer months.

Pina colada

Pinya Kolada
Pinya Kolada

The irresistible drink combines rum and coconut milk. Decorated with a slice of pineapple and a cocktail cherry becomes an ideal treat for summer.

Sea breeze

The cocktail was made in the 1920s and while in the beginning the recipe contained only gin and grenadine, now it is enriched with vodka, grapefruit juice and cranberry juice.

Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary cocktail is also one of the most popular drinks that most people have tried. It is prepared by mixing tomato juice and vodka, and you can add a more spicy ingredient such as hot tomato sauce.


The strong citrus aroma of the cocktail makes it extremely suitable for summer. It is prepared from citrus vodka, triple sec, blueberry juice and green lemon juice.
