Cabbage Is A Superfood For Skin And Hair

Cabbage Is A Superfood For Skin And Hair
Cabbage Is A Superfood For Skin And Hair

Cabbage grows best in cold climates and is resistant to frost. They are most often available on the market after September.

100 grams of cabbage contains 33 calories, vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

Regular consumption of cabbage protects the body from cancer, heart attack and arthritis, fights inflammation.

According to a study, juice made from cabbage, carrots and celery reduces abdominal discomfort. It also has properties for [beautifying the skin].

Cabbage is often used in the kitchen to prepare various dishes. It is very tasty if seasoned with black pepper, paprika, curry, cumin, onion and thyme.

Care should be taken if the outer leaves are rotten or damaged, because the outer leaves of cabbage are the richest in minerals due to access to direct sunlight.

Cabbage can be stored in the refrigerator for a week or longer in a cool room.

Cabbage has a number of beneficial effects on the body. The most important property of cabbage is that it is a powerful antioxidant - it protects the health of all internal organs, and also protects the skin. If consumed regularly, it has exceptional effects on the skin thanks to the vitamin C contained in it.

Consumption of cabbage slows down the aging process of the skin. The vitamins in vegetables help cleanse the skin and promote its healthy appearance. Vitamin D, also found in cabbage, contributes to the health of skin cells.

Cabbage porridge helps with eczema, psoriasis, rashes and insect bites. The cabbage is passed through a blender and applied to the affected part of the skin for 15 minutes. Cabbage makes the skin significantly softer and smoother.

The vitamins A and E contained in it and the potassium in cabbage also contribute to the healthy appearance of your skin. Regular consumption of cabbage protects against acne because cabbage is rich in sulfur. Boiled cabbage water is used because it successfully cleanses the skin of dead cells.

Cabbage juice
Cabbage juice

Cabbage also protects the hair. Adding a little lemon juice to cabbage puree and applying it to the hair gives it a natural shine and softness. It also protects against hair loss, protects the health of the scalp, removes dandruff.

Cabbage also protects against cancer, strengthens the immune system, protects against infectious diseases, reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Regular consumption of cabbage protects the heart and blood vessels. 1 glass of cabbage juice daily for 15 days simultaneously protects the cardiovascular system and strengthens the immune system.
