Nutrition In Dysbacteriosis

Nutrition In Dysbacteriosis
Nutrition In Dysbacteriosis

The human body is quite densely populated with microorganisms. If the peace in their existence is disturbed, a condition called dysbacteriosis occurs. It can cause a lot of trouble.

Dysbacteriosis is dominated by microorganisms that are resistant to antibiotics. In this case, taking them will only complicate the condition of the sick person. Restoring the balance in the intestinal microflora will save us from many diseases such as anemia, bronchial asthma, eczema, ulcers, depression and many others.

Proper nutrition, and more specifically a separate diet, cures dysbacteriosis.

To restore the balance in the microflora, toxins must be neutralized and the body must get rid of them. This can be achieved for months through a separate diet. This means, for example, not mixing meat with bread and potatoes.

If you have eaten a soup or meat dish with vegetables, only after an hour or two you can afford a cup of tea with a muffin or bagel. It is extremely useful to set aside one or two days for a relaxing diet. You can focus on apples and vegetables these days or even starve a little by replacing food with fluids.

You must take enterosorbents that will absorb toxins from the pathogenic microflora. Activated carbon is one of the most famous enterosorbents. Then you should start eating fruits and vegetables that are rich in pectin - such as baked apples or pharmacy pectin.

A good remedy against dysbacteriosis is a mixture of beets, figs, prunes and zarzala. Drink 100 g of this mixture every morning on an empty stomach.

Nutrition in dysbacteriosis
Nutrition in dysbacteriosis

Everyone can grow, so to speak, useful microflora.

Its action is supported by yogurt products - kefir, yogurt, yogurt. They have bifidogenic properties. At night it is useful to drink a glass of yogurt with a teaspoon of olive oil. It is good to drink a glass of carrot juice with a spoonful of vegetable oil and without sugar.

In the morning on an empty stomach will be good to drink a glass of apple juice or pumpkin juice. Let celery and beets be present on your table every day.

If you suffer from dysbacteriosis, try to eat only freshly prepared food.
