2 Kiwis A Day Improves Mood

2 Kiwis A Day Improves Mood
2 Kiwis A Day Improves Mood

A new study has shown that regular consumption of kiwi improves good mood and makes a person feel fresh throughout the day.

In the experiment to prove the usefulness of this fruit, 54 volunteers were divided into 3 groups.

The first group ate 2 kiwis daily. In the menu of the participants from the second group there were half kiwis, and the third group did not consume the fruit at all.

After 6 weeks of research, the results convincingly proved the beneficial effect of kiwi.

Participants who ate 2 kiwis a day did not suffer from fatigue and minimized depression, unlike volunteers in the other 2 groups.

Kiwi fruit
Kiwi fruit

The leader of the study - Prof. Margaret Visser, came to the conclusion that the reason kiwi has such a positive effect on mood is the high concentration of vitamin C.

Through this study, scientists have proven that the exotic fruit can invigorate a person more than coffee.

Vitamin C gives us energy and, although it is found in many other fruits, only kiwi can guarantee you an invigorating effect. Kiwi contains more vitamin C than oranges.

Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen, which makes our skin elastic.

Kiwi is a powerful antioxidant needed to regenerate and repair tissues, protecting them from the harmful effects of the polluted environment.


Kiwi has immunostimulating properties and prevents premature aging.

The fluffy green fruit is also good for the eyes. It contains lutein - a natural carotenoid that protects vision and helps absorb harmful ultraviolet light, preventing macular degeneration of the eye.

The green fruit also contains fiber, which supports the activity of the digestive system and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer and cholesterol levels.

The natural ingredients in kiwi melt fat and reduce the risk of blood clots.

Kiwi is called by Eastern peoples "the fruit of health" due to its relatively high content of vitamins. Some call it a "vitamin bomb", and the reason for this lies in the content of various valuable substances under the peel of the green fruit.
