Everything We Need To Know About Soups

Everything We Need To Know About Soups
Everything We Need To Know About Soups

Soups are an important prelude to lunch and sometimes to the evening menu. They prepare the digestive tract to receive the main course. The substances in them excite the taste buds, as well as the appetite. In this way, the amount of digestive juices increases.

The most prominent appetite stimulants are soups that contain meat and fish. The addition of noodles, semolina or flour increases their caloric content.

It is necessary to consume the soup in small quantities, but not to give it up. There are some rules as to what soups go with what dishes. For example, if the main dish is dark in color, the soup should be light.

If the main dish is potatoes, carrots or peas, then the soup should not be with the same vegetables. If the second dish is a kind of pasta, then there should be no noodles in the soup. If the soup is too greasy, then the next dishes are taken reluctantly and digestion becomes difficult.

There are rules when preparing soups. The meat for the soup is placed in cold water while the vegetables are added to the already boiling water. They are added sequentially depending on their need for cooking.

Usually the roots, carrots, celery are stewed in advance. After adding one type of vegetable, it is necessary to wait for the soup to boil again and then add the next one.


After boiling, the soup is boiled over low heat. To completely extract the aromas and extracts, salt is added at the end of cooking. Ten minutes before the end of cooking or at the very end we add the spices. During longer cooking, the volatile aromatic substances in the spices are lost. The mint in the beans and the savory in the lentils reduce gas formation.

When we want the soup to be more homogeneous and dense, we add building to the soup. There are two types of buildings: cold - when the building does not boil with the soup and warm - when it boils. The cold build-up is added shortly after we have removed the soup bowl from the hob.

Warm construction is more often used. It is prepared in the familiar way by adding toasted flour to the beaten yolks with milk until a smooth paste is obtained. Add a little of the broth and heat the mixture while stirring constantly. Add the building in a thin stream to the soup and stir again constantly so that it does not cross.
