Everything We Need To Know About Salt

Everything We Need To Know About Salt
Everything We Need To Know About Salt

Most of us are aware of the warnings that too much salt is harmful. Still, adding spice to various foods is something that almost everyone does without realizing the long-term harm to our health.

So, how much salt should we actually eat?

Nutritionist Janella Purcell says that we should try not to exceed the amount of 4 grams of salt per day, which is one leveled tablespoon. Children should consume even less - only 2.5 to a maximum of 4 years, depending on age.

We can hardly imagine that even if we do not add salt to our meals, a large part of our intake of sodium chloride comes from purchased products - ready-made or semi-finished. Only 25% of our daily rations of salt are taken from the bread we consume.

Salt is found in almost everything we buy - soups, risottos, cheese, processed meats such as sausages or bacon. There is even salt in biscuits and some chocolate drinks, says Janella Purcell.

In practice, eating processed foods is responsible for ensuring 75% of our daily salt intake.

To get an idea of how much salt we eat, we must be aware that one serving of chicken with potatoes offered by fast food chains contains at least 7 grams of salt, which is much more than the healthy requirements for the composition of salt per day, let alone in one dish.


If you have high blood pressure - then you should definitely limit the salt you take. Otherwise, there is a risk of heart attacks and even kidney damage.

How to limit salt?

Careful shopping is a good way. It is advisable to pay close attention to food labels and in particular to the amount of salt indicated. The advice is, if the product contains less than 120 milligrams of sodium chloride per 100 g of food, then it is suitable for healthy use.

Limit fast foods and other unhealthy foods, eat fresh foods instead of canned ones whenever possible.

Try seasoning dishes with garlic, lemon or other fresh spices instead of salt.

It will inevitably take more than a week to get used to the new taste of the old dishes, but the health aspects of these "deprivations" are worth it in the long run.
