Quiet Weight Loss - What Is It?

Quiet Weight Loss - What Is It?
Quiet Weight Loss - What Is It?

To the delight of some and to the horror of others, after the long winter came the time of lighter clothes and the visible results after winter overeating.

Precisely for this reason, in recent weeks it seems that everyone is on a diet. Noisy complaints, heavy sighs and eyes filled with longing for the delicacies that colleagues eat during the lunch break accompany our daily lives.

And have you heard of quiet weight loss? No? According to a number of nutritionists, this is the most effective way to lose weight. What exactly is it about? Many psychologists say that the more a person talks about their troubles from the diet they follow, the more they fail to fulfill it.

Studies show that resentment and complaining lead to dissatisfaction and a premature sense of success and set higher expectations in the mind.

On the other hand, the essence of quiet weight loss is not telling anyone that you are on a diet. In essence, any diet is a battle of wills. One tries to overcome oneself and the desire to eat. By quietly losing weight, you harden your psyche and are not influenced by the expectations of others.

If you decide to try it, behave in front of others as if you are not in mode. Do not engage your close circle of contacts with the troubles of your diet. They are not important, but you and your decision to lose weight.

On the scales
On the scales

So in addition to not having to excuse yourself in case of failure, you will be responsible only to yourself. You will see that thanks to quiet weight loss, the feeling of compulsion and stress will quickly disappear.

To be able to successfully lose weight quietly, choose a version in front of friends, acquaintances and colleagues to answer why you eat this way. This way you will get out of awkward questions in style and you will be able to keep your diet anonymous.

For example, if they ask you why you eat carrots or apples at lunch, just tell them you like fresh vegetables or fruits and eat them whenever possible.

You can also say about the spinach on your plate that today you just decided to eat healthier and you are tired of fatty foods. You can not even answer, but simply change the subject or join your neighbor's conversation.
