Parsley, Mint And Savory - The Quiet Healers In Our Kitchen

Parsley, Mint And Savory - The Quiet Healers In Our Kitchen
Parsley, Mint And Savory - The Quiet Healers In Our Kitchen

Parsley is also known in our country as merudia. His homeland is the Mediterranean. In our country it is grown everywhere. All parts of the plant are medicinal - the leaves, roots and seeds. Parsley juice is used to impose insect bites, boils and swellings, to remove pimples and blemishes on the skin. Its fruits are healing for stomach ailments, colic, menstrual disorders, kidney crises, inflamed prostate. It is also recommended to increase breast milk in mothers.

How to prepare a healing decoction of parsley?

In 250 grams of boiling water pour 2 tablespoons of finely chopped roots. Boil for 15 minutes and strain. Drink three times a day for two days.

You can prepare a parsley setting by soaking a teaspoon of crushed fruit in a glass of water. Leave to stand for 8 hours. The amount is drunk in one day for only one week.

And what do we know about mint?

The other name by which mint is known is mint. It is grown all over the country. The healing power is in its leaves. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Helps with nausea and vomiting, helps with diarrhea, improves digestion, helps with bronchitis, headaches, migraines, improves heart function. It is used for jaundice and gallstones. In case of inflamed gums, gargle with mint infusion.

Herbal tea
Herbal tea

Here's how to make a healing infusion of mint. Pour three teaspoons of chopped leaves with 2 cups of boiling water. Cover and leave to cool. Strain and drink in small sips for a day.

The spice savory is grown all over the country, mainly used as a culinary additive. It is most common in the Mediterranean and east to Iran. Harvested in July.

The above-ground part with the flowers is healing. Savory stimulates the appetite, improves digestion, helps against vomiting, salmonella, diarrhea, palpitations, headaches, dizziness, seizures, and is a good remedy against worms.

We can prepare a decoction by placing 4 teaspoons of crushed dry savory in a bowl and pouring 3 teaspoons of boiling water. Cover with a lid and let stand. This dose is taken three times a day.
