Nutrition In Enterocolitis

Nutrition In Enterocolitis
Nutrition In Enterocolitis

Entecolitis is a chronic disease that is an inflammation of the lining of the small intestine. The process often involves part of the colon. The most common causes of soil and the development of chronic enterocolitis are the abuse of spicy foods and spices, chronic alcoholism, monotonous eating of coarse and vitamin-poor foods, resected stomach, atrophic gastritis, chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis, parasitic inxicity heavy metals, long-term use of drugs, etc.

Usually people suffering from enteritis are nervous, suffer from insomnia, wake up in the morning very tired and lose a lot of weight. They often have a palpitation. The disease lasts a long time with periods of improvement and deterioration.

The diet, which is necessary in the presence of the disease, proceeds with a predominant enzymatic activity - abundant gas release, light-colored stools. Here are the foods you should mainly include in your menu:


Bread and bakery products - Mainly white bread, rusks, snacks, well baked.


Milk and milk products - Mostly cheese and yogurt, as fresh is completely contraindicated and should not be consumed.

Meat - In case of enterocolitis, tender meats, minced, grilled or baked, as well as cooked are recommended.

Eggs - Only egg white is eaten from eggs, as it has a beneficial effect on the stomach.

Fruits and vegetables - Of the vegetables most useful and beneficial in the presence of enterocolitis are zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes and red tomatoes. They are consumed ground or cooked.

The best fruits are blueberries, pomegranates, rose hips, apples and lemons. They have been proven to be extremely cleansing, soothing and beneficial. Apples are eaten grated or baked, lemon juice - sweetened with a little sugar, and a decoction is prepared from rose hips, pomegranates and blueberries.

Cow's oil and vegetable fats are allowed. The dishes are prepared without stir-fry. Sugars and honey are allowed, but in limited quantities. Severe forms of the disease exclude them. Spices are allowed, but again in limited quantities.

Fluids work best for enterocolitis. Soups and broths are highly recommended. Soups should be mainly lean meats and vegetables, and broths should be clear or with minced vegetables. Green tea and rosehip decoction have the most beneficial and calming effect. It is preferable to drink without sugar.
