How To Make Tea In Different Countries

How To Make Tea In Different Countries
How To Make Tea In Different Countries

The art of making tea has become part of the customs of many peoples. Representatives of different cultures prepare tea in their own specific way, drinking it at different times, depending on their lifestyle, climatic conditions and type of tea.

Some people add hot pepper, bay leaf, nutmeg, pieces of wheat, salt and many other surprising ingredients to the invigorating drink.

In China, for example (the homeland of the tea bush), the tea drink is not prepared in a teapot, as in Europe, but in a special cup with a lid. Its capacity is as large as a glass of water. In the so-called mortar put 1 teaspoon of dry tea, which is poured boiling water to 2/3 of the capacity of the cup.

English Tea
English Tea

The scalding lasts no more than 2-3 minutes. The finished drink has an exceptional aroma and taste. After drinking the first cup of tea, they add more hot water to the already scalded tea. Thus, up to three invigorating drinks can be prepared from the amount of dry tea.

The Japanese, like the Chinese, also make tea using lids. However, the mortar is preheated to a temperature of 60 degrees. Special heaters are used for this purpose.

In fact, the main requirement of Japanese brewing is that the water should not be hotter than 60 C. Tradition dictates that a cup of water be added to one teaspoon of tea. After 2 to 4 minutes the tea is ready for consumption. It is poured into small cups. No sugar or other ingredients are added. It is typical for the Japanese to consume green tea.

How to make tea in different countries
How to make tea in different countries

The British are also famous for their centuries-old tradition in making and drinking tea. Unlike the Japanese, the island drinks mostly black tea. The English put 1 teaspoon of the dried plant in the preheated teapot.

Add one glass of water, plus one extra teaspoon. Wait exactly 5 minutes. The decoction prepared in this way is poured again into preheated glasses in which fresh milk has been poured, according to the individual taste preferences. This is how the dreamed aroma and taste is achieved. For the English, it is a sign of bad taste if milk is poured into tea.

No less attractive is the way tea is made in some parts of India. In this country, 3 teaspoons of tea are usually placed on 2 teaspoons of water.

Infusion takes 5 minutes. In another vessel with a capacity of at least half a liter, place a few ice cubes, which are then poured with the hot decoction. Sugar, lemon or lemon juice is added to the drink.

In hot desert countries, tea is made only from milk, without adding a drop of water. The probable reason for this type of preparation is the lack of water, caused by the geographical features of the regions.
