What Are The Main Cooking Mistakes You Make?

What Are The Main Cooking Mistakes You Make?
What Are The Main Cooking Mistakes You Make?

The most delicious food is undoubtedly home-made. When we cook at home, we can rely on pure and natural products. Often, however, the hosts make mistakes that can ruin their hard work. Here are the biggest mistakes you make in the kitchen:

You are not trying

Cooking it is not an exact science and in the process of food processing everything can have an impact. Therefore, it is good to try what you cook often to make sure that the taste is exactly what you are chasing. You are hardly good enough to judge everything by eye.

Do not wait for the pan to heat up

You can't fry onions until golden if you put them together with the fat directly in the cold pan. It is correct to first heat it slightly, then heat the fat slightly and only then add the onion.

You don't know your oven

It is logical, when the recipe says to bake at 250 degrees, to turn on the oven at exactly this temperature. However, these appliances are quite different from each other, so it's good to know your stove. To be sure of the temperature, it is best to use a thermometer.

You have no patience

If the recipe says that it should boil, it is not the same as simmering. Cooking requires a great deal of patience, and if you don't have one, you better not get carried away.


Cut the meat indiscriminately

Before cutting the meat, it is good to inspect it well. To avoid tough pieces, always cut it against the muscle fibers.

You cook everything at once

It is much easier to put everything in one pan, but the end result is more than deplorable. The food releases moisture during cooking and if there is not enough space for all the products, in the end half of the products will be soft and stewed, and the rest - burnt. Different products require different heat treatment times and it is best to comply with it.

Do not defrost or melt

The products can be thawed just before cooking, but their taste is not the same as if you leave them at room temperature for a few hours. It's the same with butter - instead of melting it on the stove, it's much better to cut it into small pieces and leave it at room temperature.

You do not know how to cook vegetables

After spending the required 3-7 minutes in boiling water, the vegetables continue to cook. This is why they often become soft and mushy. To avoid this, you should either serve them immediately or immerse them in a bowl of ice-cold water, which shocks them and keeps them appetizing and crunchy.
