They Put More Money Into The Wine Sector

They Put More Money Into The Wine Sector
They Put More Money Into The Wine Sector

More money goes into the wine sector, it became clear after the State Fund "Agriculture" (SFA) announced that BGN 685 thousand subsidies have been granted to the owners of vineyards and wine producers.

The financial assistance was paid in the period February 9 - February 29 under the measure "Restructuring and conversion of vineyards". The subsidy was divided between three beneficiaries - for activities "Reconstruction of terraces" and "Changing the formation without changing the supporting structure".

It was also announced that from the beginning of the financial year 2012 (16.10.2011 - 15.10.2012) until now the amount paid under the measure "Restructuring and conversion of vineyards" reached BGN 10,667,379 (EUR 5,454,228), which is 24.87% of the budget foreseen for the financial year.

The total budget under the National Program for Support of the Wine and Wine Sector 2008/2009 - 2013/2014 is 112,683,000 euros, and so far 32,367,282 euros have been paid.

The Wine Sector of the Paying Agency implements the common organization of the market in wine of the European Union, and the financing is carried out through measures determined by the Member State.

They put more money into the wine sector
They put more money into the wine sector

The funds under the program are provided by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and are divided into three measures: "Restructuring and conversion of vineyards", "Harvest insurance" and "Promotion in third countries".

The deadline for submitting applications for support under the three measures expires on 1 April 2012.

A few days ago, the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry of the National Assembly approved the bill on wine and spirits (LWS). The priority of the new law is the creation of a wine sector, with clear, simple rules for balancing supply and demand.

The goal is to increase the competitiveness of wine producers in our country, to regain the old markets, as well as to win new ones.

The bill is to be considered at the second reading in the National Assembly, it became clear to the press center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
