They Save A Disappearing Bulgarian Greengrocer With European Money

They Save A Disappearing Bulgarian Greengrocer With European Money
They Save A Disappearing Bulgarian Greengrocer With European Money

Favorite varieties of tomatoes such as Ideal and Kurtovska Kapiya, Asenovgradska Kaba onion and Kyose cabbage are on the list of endangered local varieties for which farmers will be supported by European funds if they decide to grow them, Monitor writes.

The list in question, containing native fruits, vegetables and other plants that may soon disappear from the Bulgarian market, has 220 items. However, it is subject to change so that it can be supplemented if necessary.

According to him, if Bulgarian farmers do not take measures, our menu will lack uniques such as petrovka apple, Kyustendil cartilage, yellow and red juniper, parsley and Sliven peaches, various varieties of Silistra apricots and many others.

Twenty-six other varieties of table grapes are on the verge of extinction, including Chaush and Amber. It is not excluded that our table will be deprived of the delicious strawberries Biliana, white oil-bearing rose and native varieties of calendula, mint and lavender.

For the first time during the new programming period of the Rural Development Program, they will receive protection. The aim is thus to preserve the genetic resource of old Bulgarian varieties, said the chief expert in the Rural Development Directorate at the Ministry of Agriculture Lidia Chakrakchieva.


These intentions can be realized under measure 10 Agroecology and climate in the direction of conservation of endangered plant varieties. The idea can be used by farmers (individuals and legal entities and sole traders, as well as scientific institutions), as the maximum allowable area for receiving financial assistance in this direction is 50 hectares per farmer.

Enthusiasts who cultivate endangered native varieties can receive an annual salary of between 223 and 787 euros per hectare, the amount of which depends on whether it is a field crop or an orchard.

Farmers growing vegetables will be able to take 429 euros per hectare if they take measures to protect their native vegetables, and the owners of aromatic medicinal crops will be supported with 536 euros per hectare.
