

The yolk is one of the three main parts of the egg (shell, egg white and yolk). And as we know, eggs are laid by female birds and reptiles. It is so called because of its yellowish color, which is different in different eggs. The size of the yolk also depends on the origin of the egg. It is believed to have the highest relative weight and is the most important nutrient in the egg. The yolks are made up of a yolk sac, a yolk ball and a germ.

This component of the egg manages to position itself in its center with the help of two protein bonds. A large part (almost half) of the yolk content is water. The yolks are used mainly as a food product, although they are often used for other purposes. They are usually used yolks of eggs from hens, turkeys and geese. Some also focus on ostrich egg yolks. In Africa, guinea fowl egg yolks are eaten with pleasure. In our country the yolks of hen's eggs are most often consumed.

History of the yolks

Eggs have been consumed by mankind since time immemorial. After the birds were domesticated by our ancestors, the valuable yellow ball, called yolk, began to appear more and more often in the menu of the ancients. Egg yolks of different origins are used in different cultures. It is believed that around 1400 BC. ostrich eggs were consumed in Egypt, or at least this can be seen from images of a tomb dating from that time. The yolks they also enjoyed the ancient Romans, who did not fail to eat eggs for breakfast.

In fact, the Romans' love of eggs led them to invent different ways to preserve them. As we progress, various techniques for processing proteins and yolks are invented. This came to the point where egg drying became popular in the egg industry in the nineteenth century. Thanks to this process, both parts of the egg turn into a powdery consistency. Dried egg flour was used by the US Army during World War II.

Composition of yolks

The yolks are a source of many useful substances. It is even believed that the golden ball is the most valuable component of poultry products. The big egg yolk will load you with nearly sixty calories. The yolks contain vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin B5, vitamin K, vitamin D, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, potassium and more.

Egg on the eyes
Egg on the eyes

Storage of yolks

Most recipes require the use of only protein. But what to do with the yolks we have left? Usually fresh whole eggs are stored in the refrigerator for three to five weeks, but when the yolks are separated, they are kept in the refrigerator by placing them in a closed jar with cold water. They should not be left for more than three days. Yolks they should not be stored next to food with a strong odor because they could absorb it. When choosing the eggs themselves, also be sure to make sure that their shelf life has not expired.

Benefits of egg yolks

Eating yolks, whether raw or processed, has a number of beneficial effects on the human body, as the yellow ball is a source of a bunch of useful substances. However, we can not fail to mention the fact that according to some experts, it is eating the yolks raw or in a loose state (rather than cooked, fried or baked) is the key to good health. According to some experts, egg yolks help to normalize hormone levels. The yolk contains nutrients that support not just one organ of the human body, but the eyes, nails, skin, teeth, hair. They are also food for the brain.

It is true that in the yolks contains cholesterol, but this should not stop us from taking them, because it is necessary for the human body, as it participates in the construction of cell walls. When the yolks are subjected to heat treatment, they may not be as beneficial as in the raw state. There are even extreme opinions that heat-treated yolks increase bad cholesterol and favor the development of degenerative diseases. The truth, according to others, lies somewhere in the middle, which is why they recommend that eggs not be eaten raw, but at least soft.

The yolks perfectly complement the daily diet. Eating egg yolks 2-3 times a week can only contribute to your good health. Of course, the amount of yolks taken is strictly individual and depends on our daily needs and our diet. One thing, however, is safely taken early in the morning, they provide energy and provide satiety.

Studies also show that egg yolks help normalize blood pressure. Researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada recently found that egg yolks contain two important amino acids, tryptophan and tyrosine. According to scientists, two raw egg yolks have more antioxidants than one apple. For years, it has been commented that egg yolks are a source of large amounts of cholesterol, which in turn causes heart problems. Now, however, experts believe that these are more myths and should not be treated with contempt and skepticism about the yolks.


Folk medicine with egg yolks

It turns out that the yolks are used not only as a food product, but also as a remedy against some unpleasant conditions. For example, in folk medicine there is a known recipe with yolks against boils. For this purpose, a bandage with this egg component should be applied to the affected tissue every night. The yolks are used for sore throats and coughs.

In this case, grandmother's recipes advise to mix one egg yolk with brandy (one tablespoon), ground ginger (one teaspoon), honey (150 grams) and the juice of one lemon. All ingredients are mixed. Take one teaspoon of the recipe several times a day. Apart from being a medicine, yolks are also used as a beauty product. They are present with a number of recipes that give shine, elasticity and strength to the hair, as well as freshness and softness to the skin.

Yolks in cooking

The most serious and well-known application of egg yolks is in cooking. There are recipes for which the raw yellow ball needs to be separated from the protein. You can use a very easy trick for this. Break the egg in a plate. Then take a well-washed plastic bottle. Squeeze it not too hard and direct its throat to the yolk.

When you stop pushing the bottle, it will suck the yolk. You can then easily transfer it to another container. This method can be used to separate several yolks. The separated yellow balls are usually used as an emulsifier in cooking. There are many recipes known, so include them in creams, cakes, sauces, salads and all sorts of other dishes.

Damage from yolks

The yolks may contain salmonella. That is why some experts recommend that they be cooked for at least thirteen minutes. The shelf life of the eggs themselves should always be monitored.
