The Hollywood Diet With Baby Puree Is Harmful To Health

The Hollywood Diet With Baby Puree Is Harmful To Health
The Hollywood Diet With Baby Puree Is Harmful To Health

Ladies, be careful what new and modern diets you go through, because you never know what headaches you can get. The world's fashion icons and Hollywood greats are constantly flooding us with detailed information about their strange diets and "super efficient" diets, with which they maintain their perfect vision and shape.

Some time ago, the ex-girlfriend of the handsome Brad Pitt - Jennifer Aniston, scandalized her diet with baby puree. Brad's previous lover, Gwyneth Paltrow, also supported the baby's diet. According to research by experts, baby purees do not bring anything good, on the contrary - the diet with them is classified as dangerous and absurd.

According to Spanish experts, the diet of Aniston and Gwyneth poses a risk to public health. The reason for this is that there is no scientific basis to support the fact that with baby puree the body of an adult receives even a minimal part of what is needed for its normal functioning.

The final thesis of the Spanish experts is categorical that such a diet of "puree" is far from a healthy diet. Everything related to it is rather a fashion, which, if not stopped in its infancy, can get out of control.


In general, Jennifer Aniston's baby puree diet includes 14 jars of baby food a day. The Hollywood actress herself claims that this diet is extremely good for her. However, researchers are of a radically different opinion - this new fashion may mislead the public that weight loss is possible with baby food.

Baby purees are intended for newborns. This food contains the necessary nutrients for much less weight than that of an adult. An adult needs more energy than a baby.
