Proper Nutrition To Destroy The Sinus Fungus

Proper Nutrition To Destroy The Sinus Fungus
Proper Nutrition To Destroy The Sinus Fungus

Sinusitis is a common disease. It is characterized by inflammation of the nasal sinuses and is known as a sinus infection. Unfortunately, this is a chronic problem for many people, which seriously affects their daily lives. If left untreated, sinusitis can last for months, even years.

Some of the main symptoms of sinusitis include the following:

- cough;

- fever;

- fatigue;

- facial pain or swelling;

- toothache;

- reduced sense of taste and smell;

- runny nose;

- nasal congestion;

- constipation.

It has been scientifically proven that most cases of sinusitis actually are caused by fungiand not from infection. As early as 1999, a study showed that fungal organisms were found in 96% of patients with sinusitis. In addition, the inflamed cells are rather twisted around the fungus, indicating that the condition is caused by a fungus.

Mold spores are often inhaled into the air, which is why many people have them fungus in the lining of the sinuses. But only those who are prone to chronic sinusitis, will react to the fungus, leading to symptoms of sinusitis.

Here are some of the best remedies for sinusitis:

1. Avoid sugar or cereals

Proper nutrition to destroy the sinus fungus
Proper nutrition to destroy the sinus fungus

It is well known that the mushroom feeds on grain and sugar. Thus, eliminating these foods from your diet or limiting their consumption can go a long way in keeping the fungus under control.

2. Consume fish or cod liver oil

Consumption of fish and fish oil daily helps to increase immunity due to their high content of omega-3. It is worth noting that the total addition of omega-3 differs from the compounds found in these oils. Cod liver oil will soften the infection of your sinus, but it will also reduce the risk of cancer and improve your overall health.

3. Eat coconut oil

Proper nutrition to destroy the sinus fungus
Proper nutrition to destroy the sinus fungus

Coconut oil is full of lauric acid and acid, which has strong antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. However, it is important to choose high-quality oil, as many coconut oils are saturated with fungal toxins because they are produced with dried coconuts that are contaminated with mycotoxins. To get the most out of coconut oil, look for a company that uses fresh coconut for its oil.

4. Avoid the use of top 10 mycotoxic products

Top 10 mycotoxic foods include corn, wheat, rye, barley, alcoholic beverages, sugar, peanuts, sorghum, cottonseed and hard cheeses.

5. Exercises

Proper nutrition to destroy the sinus fungus
Proper nutrition to destroy the sinus fungus

Physical activity stimulates air circulation and helps clear mucus, causing it to move through the sinuses. Therefore, it cleans all harmful particles that contribute to irritation.
