Health Organizations: Fasting Is Harmful For Children

Health Organizations: Fasting Is Harmful For Children
Health Organizations: Fasting Is Harmful For Children

At the height of the Easter fast, contradictory opinions appeared in the media about whether depriving animal products for a long time was useful or not. It turned out that health professionals are strongly against fasting, especially among adolescents.

According to the Bulgarian Pediatric Association, the refusal of meat interferes with the proper physical development of the child's body. Deprived of complete animal protein and its nine essential amino acids, children would not be able to eat properly - something that is essential for children, for the proper functioning of their internal organs and cell building, for the immune system and hormonal balance in the young body.

It is important to know that the amino acids from the local protein cannot be produced by the body alone, but need to be imported in through food.

Experts also remind that products of animal origin are a source of calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, vitamins D and B12, which are so important for health, both in young people and adults.

In a fragile childhood, fat is important for every cell and especially nerve cells. Therefore, deprivation of local products, including fasting, could not have a positive effect on children.

However, on the other side of the barricade are vegetarians and many specialists, nutritionists, who are alarmed that excessive use of animal products leads to cardiovascular disease, malignancies and a whole host of other terrible consequences for human health.

Health organizations: Fasting is harmful for children
Health organizations: Fasting is harmful for children

In addition, the question of the quality of the products that are offered in stores and that are widely consumed remains pending. Most of them use dubious preservatives, stabilizers, sweeteners, enhancers, some of which have even been shown to cause cancer.

Colleagues of the Bulgarian Pediatric Association Overseas are of the opinion that nowadays the human body is overloaded with protein and that a well-balanced vegetarian diet including dairy products is more than enough for good health.

It is clear that proteins and important nutrients from meat find an alternative in the form of eggs, legumes and soy products, nuts, vegetables, etc.
