The Chinese Were The First To Discover Salt, But Did Not Use It

The Chinese Were The First To Discover Salt, But Did Not Use It
The Chinese Were The First To Discover Salt, But Did Not Use It

The Chinese were the first in the world to start making salt, but both today and five thousand years ago, when they first tasted it, dishes in China are rarely salted.

This is a strange paradox, similar to that with gunpowder. It was invented again by the Chinese. They invented gunpowder not for military purposes, but to chase away evil spirits.

When Europeans armed with rifles invaded China, the inventors of gunpowder proved utterly helpless. The history of salt in China has a happy ending.

After finding the salt, the Chinese made a real leap in cooking - they thought that with its help they can preserve products.


Without understanding chemistry, they invented a way to store the products.

They noticed that if they put soybeans in a clay pot, they began to ferment at a certain temperature. In scientific terms, the fermentation product produces the sugar from which lactic acid is made.

And it is an ideal preservative. But it cannot keep the products for a long time on its own, because the food decomposes from the acid itself.

It needed something that magically slowed down the fermentation process so that the lactic acid could preserve the product, and that turned out to be salt.

In order not to spoil the canned oxygen products, they were sealed in clay pots or immersed in liquid - something similar to the way we make pickles today.
