How And With What To Eat Women After 40

How And With What To Eat Women After 40
How And With What To Eat Women After 40

The body of a mature woman is radically different from that of a young woman. Therefore, it is necessary to change the diet, taking into account age changes.

First, after the 40s, there is a change in the hormonal background. As a result, the condition of the skin, metabolism and nervous system change.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you need to eat not only less, but also to change your ration.

Second, there are problems with the intestines, as the elasticity of their walls decreases. Constipation and flatulence often begin to occur, which to prevent, you need to follow your diet.

In general, if you want to lose weight effectively and take care of your body, follow the recommendations below for nutrition of women after 40.

Pay attention to milk proteins and those of plant origin. The amount of meat should be reduced with age, as it begins to be difficult to digest. Therefore, include cheese and mushrooms in your diet. If you find it difficult to give up meat, choose more tender - rabbit or chicken, for example.

Drink water immediately after waking up and also between meals. Coffee can, but not more than once a day. Eliminate soft drinks, fast food and pasta.

Nutrition of women after 40
Nutrition of women after 40

Pastries and sugar - these are carbohydrates that the body quickly breaks down and converts into fat.

If you can not immediately refuse the harmful food, remove one week from the diet. This is important for nutrition after 40 for women.

Nutritionists advise you to help yourself with cunning. If you can not resist, eat the harmful product, but in the first half of the day. But you need to eat it along with foods rich in fiber. For example - baked apple with caramel, wholemeal bread with a thin layer of jam.

Pay attention to sesame seeds. Contains phytoestrogens - plant analogues of female sex hormones. These seeds can help regulate metabolism and reduce bad cholesterol levels. Take no more than 3 teaspoons a day.

Avoid alcohol if you want to be thin and your intestines work like clockwork. On holidays you can afford 1 glass of dry red wine.

Oily sea fish is one of the best foods for women over 40. The polyunsaturated fats in it will protect blood vessels, improve memory, and exhausted hair and skin will shine.

Follow the principle of fractional nutrition. This is feeding in small portions every 2-3 hours. You will not have time to get hungry and speed up your metabolism. At first you will be uncomfortable if you are used to not eating all day and rushing to dinner in the evening, but very soon you will get used to it.

Follow these simple rules at any age and you will feel young and healthy. Forget about the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and being overweight. Try it, it's easy!
