We Eat Less And More Often When We Are In The Company Of Friends

We Eat Less And More Often When We Are In The Company Of Friends
We Eat Less And More Often When We Are In The Company Of Friends

Everyone loves to have fun and relieve stress. Some like to go to the movies, others - to the disco, and others - to immerse themselves in the world of books. However, all people love to have fun with their friends, sharing fun moments and recharging for the challenges of life.

Releasing the negative emotions accumulated during the day in the company of friends is not the only positive side of these pleasant meetings.

Recently, scientists from the University of Tokyo found an interesting fact. According to them, people are inclined to eat less and more often intervals when in pleasant company other people also eat.

A similar pattern has been observed in previous wildlife studies. It was then found that the herd ate less when they were together than when they were alone. This is the reason why scientists have tested this dependence in humans.

The study confirms this and that this pattern applies not only to animals but also to humans.

It is believed that one of the reasons for this is the fact that when they are alone, people are more prone to overeating because they are banally bored. However, when you are in pleasant company, your attention is focused on pleasant communication and sharing emotionsand not so much to eating and swallowing large amounts of food in a short time.

We eat less and more often when we are in the company of friends
We eat less and more often when we are in the company of friends

The study involved volunteers sitting around a table eating chips. A scale was installed under the table, comparing the amount of chips eaten when people were alone and when they were in company.

Scientists have found that the amount of chips eaten does not change, but if we are in company, then we eat less, but on the other hand we reach for eating more often. Thus, the volunteers in the study ate the same amount, changing only the frequency of eating and reaching for the chips.

It is important to remember that overeating it is not useful not to do this, even if you are alone and have decided to eat in front of the TV, watching your favorite series. This can have a very bad effect on your health, as can night meals.

That is why it is important to take care of your health and eat small portions, balanced and healthy, feeling full of strength, energy and taking care of your self-esteem.
