The Eight Most Useful Drinks

The Eight Most Useful Drinks
The Eight Most Useful Drinks

What are the most useful drinks? Water is certainly one of them. It cannot be replaced by any other liquid. Water is the most useful source of moisture for the body.

However, there are other drinks that provide the necessary nutrients to our body. Here are the ones according to Prevention magazine.

Green tea - reduces the risk of osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular disease. Green tea contains many flavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidants. They protect the cells from harmful effects. They also neutralize free radicals. The fluoride in green tea strengthens bones and has a beneficial effect on teeth.


Low fat milk - Contains complex carbohydrates, protein and low fat. Thanks to complex carbohydrates, blood sugar levels remain stable. Calcium is well absorbed due to the presence of vitamin D. Calcium helps cells burn fat. That is why it should be consumed by people who want to lose weight.

Mint tea - helps with stomach disorders, improves digestion. Relieves colic. Mint also has antispasmodic action. Peppermint tea relieves muscle pain and muscle tension.


Soy milk - reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Dietary fiber and protein reduce the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. But! Attention! Soy contains phytoestrogens. Scientists suggest that they are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Therefore, if you have such cases in the family, before consuming soy milk, consult your doctor.

Cocoa or hot chocolate - reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Improves mood. Cocoa contains many useful polyphenols. They protect cells from free radicals. The use of hot chocolate increases the production of the hormone serotonin, known as the hormone of happiness.

Tomato juice
Tomato juice

Cranberry juice - prevents gum disease, helps fight sexually transmitted infections. But this is not about blueberry juice, which is sold because it contains a lot of sugar.

Tomato juice without salt - protects against many forms of cancer. They contain lycopene in high concentrations, which reduces the risk of cancer of the oral cavity, liver, breast, lungs, stomach, cervix, rectum. Lycopene protects the heart from the effects of free radicals.

Orange juice - contains vitamin C, which protects against many diseases. Orange juice is a source of folic acid, very useful for pregnant women. Folic acid prevents defects in fetal development.
