Folk Medicine With An Eyeball

Folk Medicine With An Eyeball
Folk Medicine With An Eyeball

In Bulgarian folk medicine, the decoction of comfrey is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases - helps with diarrhea, colitis and others.

According to many herbalists, this is the most suitable herb for chronic diarrhea. The herb has a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect, it is very effective in treating cracked skin.

In addition to the well-known common ochibolets, in folk medicine are also used silver-leaved ochibolets, pachi ochibolets and others. There are 34 known species of the herb in Bulgaria, but six of them are protected by the Biodiversity Act.

The following recipe is recommended for hypertension:

- Put 10 g of the following herbs mint, stalks of feverfew, hot fat in a bottle with strong brandy. Add two heads of garlic to them - all this is soaked in brandy for a week, and it is necessary to shake twice a day.

Store in a cool place. After seven days, strain and drink 20 drops three times a day.

Herb Ochibolets
Herb Ochibolets

For cracked heels, make the following mixture that will relieve you:

- You need half a liter of olive oil and about 50 g of grated oatmeal roots. Put the root next to the fat and let the pot stand between 20 and 25 days in the sun. Olive tincture is very effective for cracked hands, heels and lips.

The infusion with white wine and oatmeal is recommended to boost appetite and the immune system. You need a fresh herb and white wine - the ratio is 1:10, ie 10 g of white wine requires 100 ml of white wine. The mixture stays for ten days before use.

In case of fatigue, angina, colitis, you can make a decoction of 2 tbsp. stalks of the herb. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over them and leave for a quarter of an hour.

This is the dose for one day - drink in three or four portions. For a good effect, keep drinking for a few days.

Against the disorder, prepare a decoction of forest feverfew - put 1 tsp. of the herb with 150 ml of cold water. Leave on the stove and when the mixture boils, turn off. It is good to drink three or four glasses a day of the decoction.
