Proven: Fatty Foods Are Like A Drug

Proven: Fatty Foods Are Like A Drug
Proven: Fatty Foods Are Like A Drug

Another negative effect of fatty foods was obtained by scientists from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, according to the scientific journal Helion. A new study has shown that foods high in animal fat can be addictive and even have a drug effect on the nervous system.

According to experts, this effect is due to the effect of fat on the important mTORC2 gene. It is known to control the activity of nerve cells in the saturation center of the brain.

We have always been amazed at how greasy and delicious food animals and humans can eat, even when they feel full. The high-calorie and fatty diet makes us overeat, which is one of the main reasons why obese people can not avoid gaining weight, lose weight and maintain a normal weight. We conducted a series of experiments trying to understand why this is happening, said Professor Aurelio Galli, author of the new study.

The genetic engineer and his team prove their point after a series of experiments performed on several generations of laboratory mice. The researchers monitored the brain and cells of several groups of rodents, some of whom were on a normal diet and the rest on a high-fat, high-calorie diet.

During the study, the researchers repeatedly compared the brain activity of the two groups of rodents. From the data obtained, they found that the culprit for this is the mTORC2 gene, which is responsible for the transmission of signals between neurons and the production and perception of dopamine (the pleasure hormone).

Scientists have begun to monitor a new population of mice. In some of them, the gene did not work. Observation of them showed that they did not overeat, no matter how much food they were given. Thus, scientists have seen that it is this element of human nature that unlocks the tendency to eat more. However, scientists were surprised to find that when fats were included in the menu of rodents, the gene became active and they overeat.

According to scientists, these disorders are due to the fact that the access of our ancestors to fatty and sweet foods was very limited. Our brain, thanks to the work of mTORC2 and the pleasure we experience in eating fat and sweets, tends to constantly look for this type of food, which we can get in unlimited quantities today.
