Blueberries Can Reverse The Aging Process

Blueberries Can Reverse The Aging Process
Blueberries Can Reverse The Aging Process

Foods rich in phytochemicals such as blueberries are not the only useful foods, in fact their action could reverse the aging process associated with the loss of some memory. Scientists from the Medical University of England came to this conclusion after long research.

The research is based on a process that lasts three months, and the main one is the diet, which includes mainly the consumption of blueberries. In less than three weeks, the researchers found refinement in some of the participants' special work trials, which improvements throughout the study.

According to scientists, the research they do is not just scientific additions to the already proven beneficial and beneficial effects of blueberries on human health. These are new discoveries that give good reason to believe that the effect of blueberries could be used as protection against memory problems, and it has also been shown that they increase memory capabilities in humans.

Blueberries are a major source of flavonoids, ingredients found in many different fruits and vegetables that have a positive effect on the body with their biochemical and antioxidant effects. The increase in memory is controlled by the molecular levels in the brain cells.

Researchers believe that the flavonoids found in blueberries can help increase memory by increasing existing nerve connections, improving the effect between cells and stimulating the regenerative action of neurons.

Scientists believe that flavonoids have the ability to activate signaling proteins located in the specific area of the hippocampus, which is actually the center of the brain's memory.

Decreased and deteriorated memory caused by aging is an extremely unpleasant and inconvenient moment. Until now, scientists knew about the positive effects of consuming fresh fruits and vegetables, but only thanks to research, it was discovered that foods rich in flavonoids have an effect on memory, which gives new opportunities for work and research based on these findings.

Blueberries can reverse the aging process
Blueberries can reverse the aging process

The scientists' hopes and expectations are that the work done on the findings of flavonoids will give a new impetus to finding adequate treatment for diseases associated with memory problems and Alzheimer's disease.

According to the Alzheimer's Association, nearly 5.2 million people live with the disease in the United States alone. The forecasts are appalling - by 2050 the number of patients is expected to be between 11 and 16 million people.

While no medicinal methods show a lasting positive effect on the fight against the disease, natural methods remain a good option.

In conclusion, we will mention a publication in which it is reported that just as new discoveries about the ingredients of blueberries could help in the treatment of memory-related diseases, a positive effect is also observed in studies with omega 3 extracted from certain fish species. fatty acids. These two ingredients could play a very important role in the fight against Alzheimer's disease.
