We Do Not Run Into Jam Because Of A Special Hormone

We Do Not Run Into Jam Because Of A Special Hormone
We Do Not Run Into Jam Because Of A Special Hormone

Many of us have an insatiable hunger for sweets and are even able to kill a person for a bar of chocolate or the last piece of juicy chocolate cake.

But there are also people who for months do not think of sweets, drink their coffee without sugar and indifferently pass the juicy eclairs on display in confectioneries.

It turns out that the craving for sweets does not depend on our will or taste, but on a certain hormone secreted in the liver of a person, which scientists have recently identified.

The surprising discovery was made by a team of American scientists from the University of Iowa, led by Dr. Lucas Bonduran.

In the course of their work, they identified the hormone FGF21, which is secreted by our liver when the levels of carbohydrates in our body rise sharply.


Then the hormone enters our blood and thus our brain receives a signal that makes it suppress the desire to consume sweets and other sweet things.

But some people have certain mutations localized in FGF21, which makes them eat significantly less sweets.

People in whom this hormone is activated take up to seven times less sweet things than those who do not have mutations in the gene.

The discovery of American scientists was made as part of an analysis of large-scale genetic research.

Thanks to the work of Dr. Bonduran and his team, it will be possible to prepare special balanced diets for patients suffering from diabetes or obesity.

In fact, it is the first hormone found to be produced by the liver and directly regulates sugar intake.
