Eat Brown Bananas - They Are More Useful

Eat Brown Bananas - They Are More Useful
Eat Brown Bananas - They Are More Useful

We have all seen darkened / brown / bananas in stores or at the market. They are usually discounted and in most cases we overlook them because of their unattractive appearance.

However, it turns out that rotten bananas have many advantages and benefits, in addition, they are much sweeter and softer than the traditional / yellow bananas /, which we are used to eating. Compared to them, they have higher levels of antioxidants and are much easier to absorb by the body.

Bananas are known to be high in fiber, vitamin B6 and potassium, whether they are green, yellow or brown bananas. Because brown bananas are the most ripe, they lose some of their micronutrients, so it is recommended to store them in a cool place or in the refrigerator.

Well-ripened and darkened bananas are not recommended for diabetics, as their starch has been transformed into simple sugars. Accordingly, this immediately leads to an increase in their blood sugar. For those people who strive to reduce sugars (or have health problems related to blood sugar), less ripe bananas (green or yellow) are recommended.


According to some Japanese studies 4-5 years ago, the dark spots that form on bananas produce a substance called Tumor Necrosis Factor. It turns out that it manages to destroy abnormal cells (including those that cause cancer). This, of course, does not mean that brown bananas can cure cancer, but regular consumption increases the functions of the immune system and to some extent reduces the risk of this disease.

In conclusion, it can be noted that bananas, which we often avoid, have a number of beneficial properties for the body.
