Big And Small Posts In The Calendar For

Big And Small Posts In The Calendar For
Big And Small Posts In The Calendar For

It is believed that fasting gives spiritual strength. It strengthens the soul and helps it to fight the dark forces and bad human thoughts. No less important is that fasting cleanses the body. A healthy spirit can dwell in a healthy body, and thus one dissolves into wisdom, faith, love, humility, and joy.

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church has designated four main fasts for every believer who has reached the age of seven. These are Lent, Lent, Lent and Christmas Lent.

In 2016, the Easter fasts are from the Monday after Sirni Zagovezni, which this year is celebrated on March 13. The actual fast begins on March 14 and only plant products are consumed until Easter.

Peter's fasts begin on June 8 and last until St. Peter's Day on June 29. Lent runs between August 1 and 15 until the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Christmas fasting begins on November 15 and believers abstain until Christmas on December 25.

During the year, apart from the big four posts, there are small posts in the calendar every month. Thus, on January 5, a strict fast is observed. Fish consumption is allowed on January 7. Before Lent, abstinence from food is observed on February 4.

In March, Lent takes place and only on March 25 - Annunciation, the consumption of fish is allowed. In April before Easter it is allowed to eat fish only on Palm Sunday. May 1, 2016 is the Resurrection of Christ and then the Great Lent ends. On the other Wednesdays and Fridays of the month he fasted.

Lean beans
Lean beans

In May and June, before the beginning of Lent, abstinence is observed on Wednesdays and Fridays. In July, fasting is also observed during these days of the week, and it is eaten blissfully on July 30, when the Mother of God is celebrated.

From 1 to 15 August are the Lent. On August 6, the Transfiguration, fish is allowed. On August 29, beheading of St. John the Forerunner and Baptist, fasting is observed. He fasted on the rest of Wednesday and Friday. On September 14, the Day of the Cross, a strict fast is observed.

Throughout October and November, fasting is held on Wednesdays and Fridays, and at the end of November, Christmas fasting begins, which is observed until December 25. Fish is allowed on 5 and 6 December (St. Nicholas Day).
