Useful Properties Of Spinach

Useful Properties Of Spinach
Useful Properties Of Spinach

Spinach came to us from the Middle East, presumably from Persia. It appeared there before the new era and was brought to Spain many centuries later.

In other European countries, they also learned to grow spinach and it has become one of the favorite vegetables of Americans. Spinach does not have a pronounced taste, in addition, it can not be stored for long.

And, which is very bad, it quickly loses its valuable properties. And they are many and because of them he ranks first among vegetables.

Spinach contains proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as starch, sugar, vitamins A, E, C, H, K, PP, B vitamins, beta carotene.

In addition, spinach contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper and selenium. Vitamins A and C in spinach are preserved during heat treatment.

Spinach saturates and supplies the body with nutrients, cleanses it of toxins and toxins. Only carrots contain more carotene than spinach, and due to the high content of iron in it, hemoglobin is activated and better supplies cells with oxygen.

Benefits of Spinach
Benefits of Spinach

Spinach improves metabolism and helps produce energy. With this unique composition, spinach is very useful not only as a dietary product, but also as a means of prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Spinach strengthens teeth and gums, protects against anemia and strengthens blood vessels, stimulates the pancreas and normalizes bowel function.

Spinach is very useful for pregnant women and young children, as it contains almost all the necessary vitamins and many minerals. Spinach is perfectly absorbed because it has substances that stimulate the action of the salivary glands.

In case of exhaustion, diseases of the nervous system, anemia, hypertension and diabetes, gastritis and enterocolitis, spinach is included in the menu as a dietary product.

Spinach protects against mucosal damage, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, participates in the production of hormones important for the body and helps to fatten. People who are under stress restore their calmness and ability to work with the help of spinach.

It contains iodine and therefore has a good effect on the thyroid gland. Spinach is digested quickly, unlike many other green vegetables.
