Spinach - Is It Always Useful?

Video: Spinach - Is It Always Useful?

Video: Spinach - Is It Always Useful?
Video: Spinach Benefits and Caution Explained By Dr. Berg 2024, September
Spinach - Is It Always Useful?
Spinach - Is It Always Useful?

The vitamins contained in spinach are generally quite resistant to cooking and canning, but with longer cooking some ingredients are destroyed. Therefore, it is more appropriate to take it fresh, for example in the form of salads.

However, we must use spinach with caution when feeding infants. Here are some precautions.

The danger lies in the fact that when dishes containing this vegetable are stored for more than 48 hours in a warm room, bacteria are activated and under their influence nitrates are converted into nitrites.

They are dangerous because when they are absorbed into the blood, they contribute to the formation of methaemoglobin. With its formation, a significant part of the erythrocytes (red blood cells) are excluded from the respiratory process.

As a result of this process, when consuming stale food with spinach in children, symptoms such as: bruising, shortness of breath, upset stomach, vomiting, and even severe cases of collapse can occur.


For this reason, already prepared dishes with spinach should be consumed immediately or stored in a cool place. We can also prevent the formation of poisonous salts in food by adding a little sugar to it.

In case of liver and kidney diseases or gout, spinach must be excluded from the menu because it contains a significant amount of oxalic acid.

Nevertheless, we should not neglect its positive qualities. Spinach increases hemoglobin in the blood due to the high content of iron, folic acid, vitamin C and K.

These vitamins are especially valuable in patients with anemia. Its low caloric content makes it suitable for dietary nutrition in people suffering from obesity and atherosclerosis. Last but not least, spinach is a powerful immune stimulant.
