Acorn Coffee Keeps The Heart Healthy

Acorn Coffee Keeps The Heart Healthy
Acorn Coffee Keeps The Heart Healthy

An easy way to boost immunity are nuts rich in selenium, zinc and fatty acids.

Here is an idea for a tasty and useful mixture: 100 ml of aloe juice mixed with 500 g of ground walnuts and 300 g of honey. You can also add ground together with lemon peel.

Take 1 tbsp. of the mixture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Do this course at least once a year and no more often than every 4-5 months.

Acorns are a substitute for coffee. Bake lightly in the oven and grind. This acorn coffee works great on the circulatory system and is good for the heart. It also refreshes after severe physical fatigue.

From raw acorns we can also make an ointment suitable for healing wounds on the skin. Applying such an ointment also has anti-inflammatory effect in joint diseases.

Cedar and cedar nuts are unique in composition and properties healing properties. These nuts are one of the few products that can provide all the body's needs for protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

They support the metabolism, have a good effect on the nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, support the functioning of the joints, brain, heart, are useful for the skin, bones and teeth, the hormonal balance.
