Useful Properties Of The Herb Female Fern

Useful Properties Of The Herb Female Fern
Useful Properties Of The Herb Female Fern

The wealth of herbs in Bulgaria is great and even today they are used in pharmacy, cooking and cosmetics. Almost everyone has heard of the healing powers of herbs such as chamomile, sumac, thyme and many others, but there are some that only herbalists are familiar with. An example of this is the herb female fern, which should not be confused with other types of ferns, such as male or prickly ferns. Here's what it's important to know about her:

1. The female fern is a perennial plant that has stable roots and at first glance looks like all kinds of ferns. Its difference with the male fern, for example, is that if the roots are cut, two tufts will be seen, while in the male they are about 10;

2. The usable part of the female fern, as well as most types of fern, are the roots. They are removed in early spring or September. They are cleansed, but according to most herbalists they should not be washed, because in this way you will lose most of their valuable ingredients. Larger roots are cut, dried and stored in paper bags. Store in a dry and ventilated place;

3. The roots of the female fern are mostly used against worms, but it is important to know that this happens only after consultation with a doctor or an experienced herbalist. Otherwise, this herb can even be dangerous. Even after the appointment of treatment must strictly adhere to the method of preparation of decoctions of it and the exact dosage;

Female fern
Female fern

4. The roots of female fern are very effective in coughs and inflammations of the upper respiratory tract;

5. If you want to use the herb as a wash against sore skin or against burns, use it in the form of compresses.

6. If you take female fern in the form of tea, it is good then to take English salt and in no case castor oil. Remember that herbs can be as they are usefuland cause harm to the human body. It is always important to follow the instructions prescribed by your doctor or experienced herbalist.
