Great Ideas For Eating More Vegetables

Great Ideas For Eating More Vegetables
Great Ideas For Eating More Vegetables

You feel that you are too busy and do not have time to think about healthy food. You reach for the packet of salads more and more often and look for various excuses why you do not eat fruits and vegetables more often. Here are some tips to help you increase your daily vegetable intake.

1. Add vegetables to the eggs. We often mix an omelet or just eat fried eggs when we haven't had enough time to do something more complicated. Adding vegetables will make the dish more useful and far tastier. Suitable are onions, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes.

2. When you are in a restaurant, try to take a salad instead of the usual french fries. It is again a vegetable as well as a potato, but at times more useful.

3. If you are a fan of sauces and dips, it is not necessary to use bread, salads, bruschettas, etc. to melt in your favorite nipple. Vegetables also love similar dips - celery, carrots, broccoli - they love hummus and guacamole.

4. Replace sweets with sweet vegetables - Sweet potatoes and carrots can successfully bring the body the required dose of sugar, but in unrefined form.

5. Buy pre-chopped vegetables. Many housewives complain that they do not have time to chop 4-5 types of vegetables to cook a dish. Your savior may be packages of pre-cut vegetables. Pour, fry or boil and are ready in 5 minutes.

dip with vegetables
dip with vegetables

6. Try a new vegetable dish every month - you will like the variety and you will probably find many interesting recipes that have not occurred to you before.

7. More often look at professional photos of dishes prepared with vegetables - a well-made photo can make you cook the dish in a second.

8. Practice Monday without meat. Usually on weekends we eat large amounts of food and do not like to limit ourselves, so it is good to have an unloading Monday in which to choose vegetables and fruits as the main ingredients in our menu.

9. Take 1 hour a week to slice and bake vegetables in a large oven tray. If you do more, you can use them with different foods throughout the week.

10. Add vegetables to the meat. As satisfying as meat is for us, it is better not to eat only it, but to combine it with carrots, cucumbers, cabbage and any kind of salad in general. Imagine a big burger with a juicy burger with lots of vegetables in it. Definitely this way the taste is much richer.

11. If you don't like raw vegetables, marinate them briefly and grill them for a few minutes. You will be pleasantly surprised by how much stronger and more pleasant their taste becomes.

healthy cooking
healthy cooking

12. Use more vegetables in your soup. The soup is the perfect place where you can put more different vegetables and each of them to contribute to the taste of the broth.

13. Double the amount of vegetables in the recipe. If a recipe says 1 carrot, put 2. You will get a larger amount of useful and tasty food.

14. Add a green leaf to the regular sandwich - a slice of butter and salami is nothing if you haven't tried it with a lettuce leaf or spinach in addition.

15. Make your own vegetable smoothies. They are extremely invigorating, satiate hunger, are delicious and undoubtedly useful.

16. Replace mayonnaise with vegetable sauce or puree. Mashed spinach, basil, olive oil and garlic or plain pesto are just as tasty, but at times healthier option.

There are probably many other things that will make you turn to a healthy diet, but these conditions are enough if you learn to follow them.
