Ideas For Warming Winter Cocktails For The Soul

Ideas For Warming Winter Cocktails For The Soul
Ideas For Warming Winter Cocktails For The Soul

we recommend you several winter cocktailsthat you can prepare at home to create a little more comfort while observing the quarantine. They do not contain much alcohol, but can increase your mood and the feeling of home comfort.

1. Mulled wine

This is the most famous and popular drink from hot alcoholic beverages that are prepared in the winter almost everywhere with slight national differences. Mulled wine is red wine brewed with sugar and spices; very often fruits are added to it. It appeared in the Middle Ages in Europe, was originally made on the basis of Bordeaux. Today, red dry and semi-dry wines are also used for cooking.

Mulled wine is made in the winter in almost all European countries, sold in Christmas markets, and in many cities - outside this period. However, there are small differences between countries. For example, in Germany a little rum and agave syrup are added to the wine, in England - gin, honey and rosehip syrup. There is even white mulled wine - for those who do not like red wine.

2. Apple cocktail with calvados

Calvados is a warming winter drink
Calvados is a warming winter drink

In France, there are many original drinks that are made only in this country, and Calvados is one of them. They get it by distilling apple cider and with the onset of the cold season in Normandy they start cooking hot cocktail based in Calvados. No wonder it is produced there! The classic local recipe suggests the presence of Calvados, apple juice and ginger. The mixture should be quite hot but not hot and is usually served in clear cups. This is an aromatic, warming and very healthy drink.

3. Grog

Grog is a warming winter cocktail
Grog is a warming winter cocktail

Diluted with water, rum with spices was invented by Edward Vernon, nicknamed Old Grog, Vice Admiral of the British Navy, in the 18th century. To save money, he ordered sailors to consume rum diluted with hot or cold water, and the team really liked the idea. The drink is modified, spices are added to it over time and now it is one of the most popular hot cocktails.

Grog is fast and easy to prepare winter drink, because to prepare it, you need a little warming spices (usually cinnamon, ginger and cloves, and only if desired), you only need strong alcohol and lemon juice. Sometimes an infusion of milk, honey or coffee is added and the resulting drink is served in porcelain cups. Traditional rum-based grog is served either in Irish coffee cups or in warmed cups with handles.

4. Cocktail with hot beer

Hot beer cocktail
Hot beer cocktail

In Northern Europe, mainly in Germany, Poland and Sweden, a hot beer is available. Its taste is quite special, although this does not cancel its warming properties. Beer is a specific thing, it must be approached very carefully when heated, especially since the recipe for hot beer also includes eggs, sugar and lemon, plus a little nutmeg. Light wheat beer is used for preparation.

You can also find a "dark" version - then brandy and coffee alcohol are added to the beer. To complete the recipe and the interesting combination of flavors, add whipped cream. You should definitely try this cocktail! Mulled wine is a very typical winter drink, and this exotic is designed for true connoisseurs.

5. Punch

This is a drink that is often prepared if we are going to meet large companies. It is found in England and then in India, Germany and thus spreads throughout Europe. Despite the different variations, all punch recipes have one thing in common - they always contain fruit. Usually these are apples, lemons, oranges, pears. The French, prone to originality, added melon, strawberries and bourbon vanilla to their punch version.
