See The Miraculous Rejuvenating Power Of Kupuasu Oil

See The Miraculous Rejuvenating Power Of Kupuasu Oil
See The Miraculous Rejuvenating Power Of Kupuasu Oil

Resembling a coconut Kupuasu (Theobroma grandiflorum) has been a major food source for the people of Brazil for centuries.

The tree itself, which grows in the dense jungles of the Amazon, is very interesting. Tropical evergreen tree, distinguished by its huge leaves, gorgeous flowers and wonderful ripe coconuts. Coconuts are actually the fruit of this exotic tree, from which its precious oil is extracted.

The unique thing about it is that only fruits that have fallen from the tree have the maximum benefits and the most valuable taste qualities - if you pick a fruit, not only will it not have the same qualities, but on the contrary, it will never ripen and will not be edible..

One of the most valuable poetic properties it possesses kupuasu oil are:

- helps fight free radicals, which repeatedly accelerate the aging process;

- has a powerful moisturizing and rejuvenating effect;

- gives the skin exceptional elasticity and radiant beauty;

- helps fight dermatitis and eczema.


Capua oil is suitable for use in balms, creams and body oils because it has a firm consistency and a high melting point, so it keeps the whole structure from falling apart.

The white chocolate of the Amazon, as it is often called capua, is a relative of cocoa and combines extremely well with other exotic oils such as shea, cocoa, coconut, murumuro, boabab and others.
