The Miraculous Power Of Raspberry Leaves

The Miraculous Power Of Raspberry Leaves
The Miraculous Power Of Raspberry Leaves

Most people, when talking about the beneficial properties of raspberries, include only the beneficial effect of the fruits of this plant. However, raspberry leaves have no less useful properties if you know how to use them.

Turning to folk medicine, it must be said that raspberry leaves are among the most popular and widespread herbs. They are used to make medicinal decoctions, tinctures and even ointments. Today we will look at some of these recipes that are used frequently.

Raspberry leaves help reduce fever in disease states. For this purpose, use two tablespoons of a mixture of dried twigs and raspberry leaves. Fill with hot water and leave for several hours in a closed thermos. The drink should be given to the patient every three hours.

In fact, there are no restrictions on the size of this drink. It has a positive effect on the treatment of colds and viral diseases. It is useful in the treatment of colitis, skin rashes or cough.

Raspberry leaf tea
Raspberry leaf tea

In each of these cases it is necessary to take 15 g of raspberry leaves, pre-dried and then pour into a glass of hot water and leave to cool. It takes no more than half an hour. Drink three times a day.

The decoction is also useful for problems with gastritis and enteritis. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the decoction of raspberry leaves also works against diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

Decoction of raspberry leaves also helps in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Compresses are applied to the affected area.
