What, How And When To Eat To Lose Weight?

What, How And When To Eat To Lose Weight?
What, How And When To Eat To Lose Weight?

You want to lose weight - the dream of many girls, who in pursuit of a slim figure often experience the strictest diets. Of course, a few weeks of cucumbers alone will help you lose a few pounds, but after such hunger strikes, those who lose weight often begin to be rewarded for the suffering they have suffered, with rolls and chocolates. And, of course, the weight returns quickly.

In addition, such "jumps" are very harmful to the body in general and metabolism in particular. Proper nutrition for weight loss is by no means a strict diet and occasional starvation. This is a certain way of life. And to find harmony and finally reach the desired size, you will need to rethink your habits and diet once and for all.

The good news, however, is that proper nutrition does not mean giving up delicious food and a constant feeling of hunger. But there are certain rules and those who want to lose weight should know about them.

Lose weight with health benefits

All modern systems of healthy eating are aimed not only at weight loss, but also to improve health. Being nervous is not fashionable today. Beauty is naturalness and cheerfulness. And nutritionists support this trend. they think the diet menu for weight loss it must be varied so that the body receives in sufficient quantities all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals. But it should also be delicious, because the constant stress of hunger and boredom from a monotonous tasteless diet is not good for the mind or body.

Principles of weight loss nutrition

Before you take weight loss menu, you need to understand some of the principles of healthy eating. Consider the basics:

Eat often and little

diet for weight loss
diet for weight loss

It is best to divide the whole daily diet into 5 intakes and eat at the same time, and the last time you should eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. Such a system does not allow the body to starve excessively - which means that you will not overeat. Fractional nutrition for weight loss is mandatory.

Give up fast food

This includes not only burgers, but also all kinds of semi-finished products, sausages, french fries, canned food and more. The finished food is extremely high in calories, contains a huge number of preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, giving it a delicious smell and taste, as well as greasy or spicy sauces. In addition, fast food restaurants make hundreds of servings of the same oil containing carcinogens. If you still have doubts, think about it - a standard set of hamburger, a glass of cola and a bag of french fries is 1200-1400 calories, ie almost the daily norm, but in such a dinner there are no vitamins, healthy fiber and is almost protein-free. But in excess - saturated fats and simple carbohydrates. The conclusion is obvious.

Chew your food thoroughly

Experiments have shown that if you chew food about 40 times, you can lose weight a little without changing your eating habits. And in combination with a healthy diet, such a simple technique gives really amazing results. Carefully chewed food is easier to digest, in addition in this case we eat much more slowly and the brain receives a signal of satiety over time, which eliminates the risk of overeating.

Drink water

Water is the catalyst for all life processes. Two liters of clean drinking water a day will help speed up the metabolism, remove toxins in time and avoid fluid retention - that is, edema. Remember that the term "water" does not include tea, coffee, juices and other beverages: for example, black tea and coffee, on the contrary, dehydrate the body, and fruit juices and beverages contain sugar. This does not mean that the juice should not be drunk, the juice is more like food than liquid.

Keep track of the balance

We need protein, fat and carbohydrates for health, well-being and harmony. The approximate balance is 75 g protein: 60 g fat: 250 g carbohydrates: 30 g fiber. Protein food is necessary for building muscle tissue, fat - for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system, as well as for the skin, and carbohydrates give us energy.

Foods suitable for diet

One apple and one chocolate candy contain approximately the same amount of calories. From the point of view of healthy eating, however, this is not the same thing at all. The diet for weight loss should contain foods rich in vitamins and amino acids, as well as reduce hunger and speed up metabolism.


Eat cabbage to lose weight
Eat cabbage to lose weight

This vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C, E, K and B vitamins, fiber, it has a lot of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, fluorine. With all this wealth, cabbage contains few calories, but the body expends a lot of energy to process it. In addition, with cabbage you can cook many different dishes - cabbage salads, cabbage soups, casserole with cabbage, cabbage meatballs, cabbage rolls and much more.


Salted fish contains polyunsaturated acids - the most important for the body Omega-3, as well as vitamins A, D, E and K. Fish - this is almost the ideal protein. But fried in a large amount of oil nullifies the benefit, so it is better to give preference to boiled, steamed or baked fish.


This dried and crushed root was once used as a cheap substitute for coffee, but in recent years it has found wide application in weight loss diet. Contains inulin - a substance that normalizes metabolic processes. Chicory acts as a mild diuretic, removing excess fluid, also dulls hunger. You can drink a drink of chicory at any time of the day - it really looks like coffee, but it does not contain caffeine.


Buckwheat is rich in iron, vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, P, also contains iodine, calcium, phosphorus. Buckwheat not only quickly saturates and helps maintain a feeling of satiety for longer, but also improves the digestive tract, in addition, and lowers cholesterol. That is why buckwheat porridge is one of the favorite dishes of fashion models and ballerinas.

Muesli for weight loss
Muesli for weight loss


You do not like buckwheat - eat muesli. Muesli is made from whole grain flakes, so it contains a lot of fiber, which causes rapid satiety and improves bowel function. Sometimes nuts, seeds and dried fruits are added to muesli, which improves their taste, but also adds calories.

However, such an option for muesli is still very useful. High-sugar cereals, with the addition of colors, flavors, preservatives, candied fruit, should be avoided - they have nothing to do with a healthy diet.

Forget about these products

No you can lose weightwithout sacrificing some bad habits. Review your menu and permanently exclude the following products from it:

• Sausages;

Weight loss
Weight loss

• Pastries, canned food, jams (only natural dark chocolate in small quantities or canned food cooked with sweeteners);

• Chips, crackers and other snacks;

• All fried (especially deep fried);

• Margarine, refined vegetable oil. If you can't do without them, replace with natural cream or olives;

• White bread and muffins;

• Sweet carbonated drinks and packaged juices;

• Sweets;

• Bacon, bacon, fatty meats;

• Smoked meats and pickles;

• Fatty sauces, especially mayonnaise.
