Eat Pasta, Rice And Cold Potatoes To Lose Weight

Eat Pasta, Rice And Cold Potatoes To Lose Weight
Eat Pasta, Rice And Cold Potatoes To Lose Weight

In recent years, carbohydrates have gained notoriety. They are avoided for health reasons and fears that lead to weight gain. However, new research shows that not all carbohydrates are to blame for being overweight.

Some of them, known as resistant starches, are found naturally in carbohydrate-rich foods such as beans and legumes, whole grains and even rice and potatoes. They are extremely useful for the body and their intake should not be limited, because this can lead to health problems.

Many nutritionists warn that the widespread fear of carbohydrates is unfounded and abrupt deprivation of them can have extremely harmful consequences for overall health. The smallest of them is that stopping the intake of important substances will inevitably lead to the known effect of yo-yo.

Resistant starches, in turn, get their name because they oppose digestion and pass through our body in different ways, stimulating the excretion and purification of the body. In addition to legumes, the beneficial type of carbohydrates is found in unripe bananas, some seeds and brown rice.


Nutritionists recommend that we do not limit ourselves to all types of carbohydrates, but only to those that directly affect the formation of extra pounds. These are the carbohydrates contained in sugars. We should avoid them and include starchy carbohydrates in our diet.

This is because there is already strong evidence that the fiber contained in whole-grain versions of starchy carbohydrates is extremely beneficial to our health.

According to the World Health Organization, about half of your daily calorie intake should come from starchy foods, fruits and vegetables. Some foods even develop resistant starches when left to cool. Such are pasta, potatoes and white rice.


Resistant starches are even recommended as a healthy food for people with type 2 diabetes. Also, due to the fact that the body cannot process this type of carbohydrates, it begins to draw energy by getting it from body fat. Thus, in addition to saturating the body, these foods even help to lose weight.
