Subtleties In The Preparation Of Pasta And Pizza

Subtleties In The Preparation Of Pasta And Pizza
Subtleties In The Preparation Of Pasta And Pizza

What else comes to mind when you talk about Italian cuisine, except pizza and pasta. For better or worse, these delicacies have become one of the most beloved foods in our country. That's why it's good to know the subtleties when preparing juicy pizza dough or exactly how much we need to cook the spaghetti to enchant our guests with their taste.

You can freeze or store raw pizza dough in the refrigerator without any problem. In fact, some people prefer the dough to stay in the fridge overnight, because they think the pizza becomes tastier. As a result of the stay, the gluten in the flour decomposes, which then makes the thin layer of pizza even more crunchy.

If it happens that your dough will have to stay in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours, it is recommended to prepare it with less yeast than indicated in the recipe. Put only a quarter of the amount you need to use to avoid the intrusive taste of yeast the next day.

After kneading the pizza dough, it can safely stay for 2-3 days in the refrigerator, but tightly closed in a plastic bag. When you decide to use it, bring it to room temperature for 2 hours, then roll it out. It doesn't need to rise when it's for pizza.

If you plan to freeze the dough, use the entire amount of yeast specified in the recipe. You can even add a little more, because freezing will destroy some of the yeast.

This time, after kneading, form the dough into individual balls as big as a pizza. It is good to freeze them without covering them with anything - in a lined with paper or greased non-stick pan.


However, once frozen, you need to transfer them to a plastic bag and close it tightly. Thus stored pizza dough can be stored for up to 1 month. Before using it, take the dough out of the fridge 1 night in advance. If you forget, 2-3 hours at room temperature also work.

In the subtleties for the preparation of a delicious paste, even the amount of water during cooking is important. All kinds of spaghetti pasta, etc. need enough space in the court. Therefore, use a sufficient amount and do not cover the pot.

The paste must be poured into boiling water. Once it boils again, remove the sticky pieces and stir. If you are going to use the salad paste or pour a special sauce over it, never pour oil or olive oil over it when you drain it.

Cooked pasta is like an absorbent sponge - if you put the fat, it would prevent it from absorbing the taste of the rest of the sauce you will use. Although salt improves the taste of the pasta during cooking, try not to use it.
