Breakfast Milk Melts Fats

Breakfast Milk Melts Fats
Breakfast Milk Melts Fats

If you do not have the habit of drinking milk for breakfast, it is better to create it quickly. A new study has found that drinking milk in the morning helps to lose weight.

Of course, this is by no means whole milk. It is a specific milk. After a series of experiments involving volunteer scientists from Australia, they concluded that skim milk in the morning makes us eat less at lunch.

The study involved 34 volunteers. In the first stage, all participants drank a glass of skim milk in the morning, in the second stage - fruit juice. For lunch they were offered to eat as much as they wanted.

It turned out that milk allows us to reduce the calories consumed at lunch by 9 percent, which is not small.

It was also found that younger students who regularly drank skim milk had a lower body mass index than children who rarely drank milk. Children who regularly consume skim milk weigh an average of 4 kilograms less.

Attention! If you want to lose weight, it is forbidden to drink skim milk (and anything else by the way) in combination with tea. Milk neutralizes the property of tea to burn body fat.
