Dietary Combination Of Meat With Other Foods

Dietary Combination Of Meat With Other Foods
Dietary Combination Of Meat With Other Foods

Nutrition has its own rules and we must comply with the way we combine the individual products so as not to harm our digestive system.

Why is it important to combine food properly? Fast processing of food is beneficial for digestion and health of the whole body. When it stagnates in the stomach, a process of putrefaction begins, accompanied by the release of various toxic substances and this poisons the body from within. In difficult-to-digest foods, the nutrients in them remain unabsorbed because different gastric juices are needed to process them. Therefore, the principles of proper combination of the dishes we consume must be followed.

What goes best with meat and which foods should not be served with it?

Meat is a major source of protein. Unlike plant proteins, which are light, animal proteins are acid-forming. They take longer to process and rot quickly. When they get into the stomach in tandem with inappropriate other products, they cause real disasters in the intestinal tract.

Concentrated animal proteins and starchy carbohydrates in products such as rice, bread, potatoes and spaghetti should not be combined in one menu. In starch, the process of digestion begins in the oral cavity. Alpha-amylase is then released. It is one of the enzymes that require an alkaline environment. Once in the stomach, it stops the digestion of proteins.

The food consumed remains unprocessed and ferments. Then comes the process of decay. The available bacteria eat the nutrients and excrete their waste acids into the digestive system. Unfortunately, the combination of meat with rice, potatoes and bread is one of the main in the western diet.

Meat with rice
Meat with rice

It is wrong to serve different types of animal protein in one dish. Heterogeneous meats can be eaten together, but not with milk, cheese and eggs.

Animal proteins should not be taken properly with fats, as they block the secretions from the stomach and putrefaction of unprocessed meat. Since fat is the basis on which meat is cooked, the aim must be to use minimal amounts of fat. Bacon and steaks with fats are unacceptable, regardless of their taste.

The combination of meat with vegetables is dietary. It is characteristic of them that they combine well with all food groups. Vegetables play a role in digesting meat, providing some of the enzymes and minerals to facilitate the process. We must not forget the fact that tomatoes are a fruit, so the steak with tomato salad will not have a good effect on digestion.
