How To Make Tender Steaks

How To Make Tender Steaks
How To Make Tender Steaks

You can make great steaks using breadcrumbs. Beat the steaks well, add spices to taste, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides.

Egg steaks become even more tender. The pounded pieces of meat are salted, sprinkled with spices, dry garlic is added and then left to stand for a few minutes in beaten eggs. Then roll in flour and fry over low heat.

Try making a steak in batter - for this you need to wrap it in puff pastry and bake it in the oven. Mushroom steaks also become very tasty. Steaks, mushrooms, melted cheese and cream are placed in a Yen dish.

To make the steaks very tasty, use a tender place of veal or lean pork. Cut and pound the meat, then arrange a layer of it in a saucepan, salt, season to taste, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic, sprinkle with lemon juice, put a new layer of meat and repeat the procedure with spices.

Leave the pot of steaks in the refrigerator overnight. Once the meat is marinated in spices and lemon juice, you can fry it in a dry clean pan without a drop of fat. This lasts no more than twenty seconds. Toss the steak in the pan, turn after 8 seconds, fry for another 8 seconds and remove from the heat.


Such steaks are delicious only if eaten immediately. You can use boiled rice for garnish. Steaks also become very tasty if you fill them with vegetables, such as tomatoes, as well as fresh or sauerkraut.

Steaks do not have to be pork or beef. The tender chicken is ideal for this purpose. There, however, the question is to knock the steak very carefully so that the meat does not tear into rags.

You can prepare delicious liver steaks without having to soak it, but just lightly pound it and then wash it well. Liver steaks are tastier if fried with egg and flour.

Steaks are the perfect menu for guests or for dinner, as well as for a festive lunch. You only need to prepare a few different side dishes if you want to please everyone at the table.
