Additives That Will Make Your Salads Uniquely Delicious

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Video: Additives That Will Make Your Salads Uniquely Delicious

Video: Additives That Will Make Your Salads Uniquely Delicious
Video: 3 Easy Healthy Salad Recipes 2024, October
Additives That Will Make Your Salads Uniquely Delicious
Additives That Will Make Your Salads Uniquely Delicious

What is this dish that is certainly healthy, tasty, suitable for every season, every age and liked by fans of every kitchen?

The answer is simple - these are salads. They are invariably present on the table at any time of the year, are of different types, depending on the products that make them up, are prepared quickly and easily and allow for any culinary experiments.

Types of salads according to the base products and additives used

Salad base products consist only of vegetables or only of fruits. They can also be a combination of the two options with a predominance of those ingredients that are more preferred, or selected according to the dressing that will give them the main taste - sweet, sour or a mix of both.

The main addition to the salad is the dressing. Traditionally, sour-tasting dressings are used for vegetables, in which vinegar, lemons, oil or olive oil and various spices are mixed, which enhance and accentuate this taste. The fruit is most often used sweet dressing, which is in harmony with the sweetness of most fruits.

salad dressing
salad dressing

Recently, the dressing that opposes different flavors is gaining popularity, so as to obtain an interesting combination of opposites that act more strongly on taste receptors, the so-called sweet and sour taste.

We will add some more ideas so that the vegetable salad, or the one with a predominant vegetable base, acquires a new and unknown and at the same time unique taste.

Ideas for salad additions for a unique taste

How to add dressing: Usually with dressing pour the salad and thus good taste is considered to have been achieved. In fact, the exact opposite can happen if the amount of dressing is not well judged.

To avoid too greasy salad on the plate, the dressing should be poured not on the vegetables, but at the end of the salad bowl, on the walls, and then carefully mixed with the vegetable base. So there is no danger of overdoing it with fat.

balsamic dressing for a delicious salad
balsamic dressing for a delicious salad

The best and most suitable supplement for flavoring any vegetable salad is garlic. Its slightly spicy taste is well received by everyone, and its health benefits are widely known. There are two ways to flavor a salad with it: by adding it to the dressing, or by smearing the walls of the salad bowl with garlic. This method is for those who find it harder to accept its pungent odor. In this way, it will be only slightly hinted at.

The fat - oil or olive oil can be flavored with herbs or spices to taste - rosemary, cinnamon, mustard or others of your choice. This will give a whole new taste sensation and may be the unique taste suitable for salad you.
