The European Union Wastes 22 Million Tonnes Of Food A Year

The European Union Wastes 22 Million Tonnes Of Food A Year
The European Union Wastes 22 Million Tonnes Of Food A Year

EU countries continue to throw piles of food in the trash. In fact, the European Union wastes 22 million tonnes of food a year. In this regard, the United Kingdom is the leader, writes Reuters, citing data from a study conducted with the support of the European Commission.

The results relate to six EU member states - Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Romania. According to the data obtained, the latter wastes the least food, but a lot of food is thrown away in the rest.

Experts believe that eighty percent of wasting food it can be avoided as long as people change some of their views and habits.

For example, if citizens are educated from an early age to shop more carefully, this would have a positive effect on the problem.

The same would happen if consumers start planning their purchases so that they do not have to throw away unused food afterwards.


At the same time, it would be practical and profitable for customers of food chains, as they will reduce their food bills and save money to invest elsewhere.

Experts from the Single Research Center of the European Commission, who conducted the study, believe that many of the food products that are fit for use are discarded only because of the dates written on the packaging of the product.

In fact, there is a problem with food waste not only in the UK, Romania, Germany, Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands, but also in Bulgaria. A recent study showed that about 670,000 tons of food are dumped annually in Bulgaria, instead of being donated to people in need.

According to industry experts, more than half of Bulgarians do not eat enough fruits, vegetables and fish. Every fourth Bulgarian is hungry, and many of them are children.

The producers say that they do not donate surplus food products due to the regulated VAT on donations. It is cheaper for them to pay fees for the destruction of foodstuffs, instead of donating them.
