Seven Things From The Kitchen To Throw Away

Seven Things From The Kitchen To Throw Away
Seven Things From The Kitchen To Throw Away

There are many things in your kitchen that contain bacteria. It is good to know after how long a certain product or object from the kitchen should be discarded.

It is bad to throw food, but sometimes this must be done to protect yourself from disease. For many foods, it's easy to tell when to throw them away. But what about eggs or pizza? They may look good, but they are already full of bacteria.

Coffee with milk, for example, can stand at room temperature for an hour, after which you can store it in the refrigerator for no more than two hours. It must then be discarded.

Products from the refrigerator
Products from the refrigerator

To find out if the eggs are fresh, dip them in a bowl of cold water. If the eggs fall to the bottom, it means they are fresh. However, if they come up, it means that they are quite old and it is not recommended to consume them.

Even when stored in the refrigerator, the products cannot remain for too long and bacteria begin to grow in them. Eggs should be stored in the darkened part of the refrigerator.

Spoiled food
Spoiled food

The finished pizza, which has not been eaten, can remain at room temperature for two hours. It can then be stored in the refrigerator for three days if placed in plastic containers where the pieces are distributed.

Baby purees can in most cases be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours after opening, then it is not recommended to give to babies.


Spices should also be discarded at some point as they lose their aroma and taste. For powdered spices the shelf life is 1 year, for whole spices such as nutmeg is 2 years, and for roots such as ginger - 3 years. It is good to write the dates of placing the spices in the boxes for their storage.

The dishwashing sponge is full of all kinds of bacteria. Two weeks after buying the sponge, it is ready for disposal. To protect against bacteria, while using the sponge, wash it every day with boiling water, which is allowed to run on it for two minutes.

The seventh thing you should throw out of your kitchen are cracked and peeled plates and cups, as well as pots. Even a small crack or peeled part, in addition to endangering the vessel, becomes an entrance for various types of microbes. So as much as you feel sorry for your favorite plate, throw it away as soon as it cracks or a piece of it breaks off.
