Are The Pickles Sold To Us In The Markets Harmful?

Are The Pickles Sold To Us In The Markets Harmful?
Are The Pickles Sold To Us In The Markets Harmful?

Winter is the season of pickles and sauerkraut. We Bulgarians love to be we eat pickles in the winter and that is why they are an integral part of our table during the cold months. But in this hectic daily life, we have almost no time to make pickles and sauerkraut, so many of us rely on those in stores and markets. Especially when we see a grandmother with a can full of pickles, we definitely want to buy a delicious winter food from her.

However buying a market pickle is a thin point that you need to approach carefully if you care about your health.

We all know that the fermentation process takes time, does not happen in a day or two. To speed up this fermentation process, to obtain faster, traders sometimes add substances to pickleswhich can be harmful to health.

Another thing that is widespread is the warm marinade with which they pour the vegetables. We all know that the warmer it is, the faster the vegetables ferment, so traders use this warm marinade to speed up fermentation. But natural fermentation does not work this way and this warm marinade is not very useful.

Besides, we are all witnessing how pickles in the markets are stored in plastic buckets of unknown origin. This is extremely harmful, especially if detergents have been stored in these buckets before.

Market pickles must have a lid or cover.

Hygiene rules are also very important and must be followed - if they are not followed, it can lead to bacterial infections, diarrhea and other intestinal disorders. So, if you are not sure about the good hygiene of the dealer who offers pickles, replace it for the good of your health.

Watch out for the pickle mold, which is formed on top of the vegetables - if any, do not buy them. This mold is due to the fact that vegetables are not covered with liquid - the mold is harmful to us. Don't buy either do not eat such pickles!

Some experts claim that fermented vegetables, known as Bulgarian pickles, are not sold in our markets, and these are just pickled vegetables. This is due to the accelerated fermentation process, which under normal conditions lasts up to 30-40 days.

Be careful where you buy picklesIf necessary, ask the person selling them on the market. Our advice to you is that if you want useful products, it is best to make winter food at home. That way you can be sure you won't buy from harmful pickles on the market.
